Tue 01 Jun 2010 09:38

Waqas Ahmad is a PhD-student within the research group Realistic 3D. He will focus his research in light field imaging systems and be a part of the ETN-FPI project.

Waqas Ahmad intervjubild

What is your background?

Bachelor and Master Degree in Electronic Engineering from Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

What is your area of interest?

My research interests lie primarily in the area of image processing and video coding. 

What is it that you are going to investigate in your PhD?

During my PhD I will study light field imaging system. I will investigate different compression techniques to efficiently encode light field images and video

Why did you choose Mid Sweden University?

The main influence that went into my decision to select Mid Sweden University was the research profile of Realistic 3D research group.


The page was updated 10/6/2016