Thu 01 Dec 2022 10:38

At the beginning of 2023 there will be some changes regarding databases offered by the University Library.

The upper body of a human typing on a computer

Starting 2023 Mid Sweden University will take part in the national consortium agreement with the publisher PLOS, which means that publication costs are paid in advance so that researchers at the university will be able to publish in PLOS journals at no extra cost. PLOS is a non-profit publisher that publishes open access journals, mainly in the fields of medicine and natural sciences. By joining the agreement, Mid Sweden University contributes to the transition from subscription-based access where journals and content are published behind paywalls to open access publishing of research results.

Those of you who use the Cinahl database will notice that from January we will no longer subscribe to the full-text journals package in that database. This is an effect of an evaluation of the content where we found that many of the most downloaded journals are available through other packages to which we also subscribe. You will still be able to search in Cinahl as before but with the difference that you will be linked to other resources for full-text access. In addition, we are starting up a subscription to Mark Allen Healthcare, whose journals are among the most downloaded in Cinahl but which we currently do not have access to outside of Cinahl.

The subscription to Atla religion and InfoTorg Juridik will be terminated as of January 2023.

Due to the budget situation in 2023 and weak SEK exchange rates, the University Library unfortunately has very limited means to expand the range of databases and e-resources for the coming year. We will handle all requests that come in according to our policy and routines, but unfortunately we have to put most of them on hold for the time being.

For more information about the mentioned databases and others see our database list.


The page was updated 1/3/2023