Tue 19 Oct 2021 15:16

Approximately 21,500 people have chosen to apply for an education at Mid Sweden University next spring semester. The number of first-choice applicants amounts to approximately 6,700.

Studiesituation, A-huset/Grönborg, Sundsvall

− Our figures continue to be clearly above the application figures for the years before the pandemic both in terms of first-choice applicants and the total number of applicants, which is gratifying. We had record figures last year and we will not reach that far this year, but we were well aware that the last song figures hid a pandemic effect, says Vice Chancellor Anders Fällström.

The application period for studying at universities this spring expired on 15 October. The total number of applicants to all universities in Sweden decreases by six percent compared with the top listing for the spring semester 2021. Mid Sweden University's application numbers also fell slightly compared with last year.

In total, there are approximately 21,500 applicants for Mid Sweden University's programs. The number of first-time applicants is approximately 6,700, compared with just over 7,000 last year and approximately 6,000 the year before.



The page was updated 10/19/2021