Mon 11 Apr 2022 10:26

MiunSkills is an introductory course to university studies designed to give new students the best possible start to their time at university.

Coverbild till filmen MiunSkills för lärare

In MiunSkill's digital self-study lessons, students will learn all about how the university works from systems to support services, different types of examinations and learning elements, study skills, academic knowledge such as academic writing, reference management and information retrieval, as well as taking care of themselves and planning their time.

The course will be released for students this summer, but it is available for viewing in Moodle for teachers right now (only in Swedish right now, the English translation is under work). On the page MiunSkills for teachers you will find more information about the course and how you can use it. We hope that you as a teacher want to help and encourage your students to find and complete the course!

If you want to know more about MiunSkills and its uses, we are happy to come out to APTs, ämneskollegier or other meetings and tell you more! Questions? Contact Gertrud Ivarsson.

Created by Gertrud Ivarsson


The page was updated 4/11/2022