Tue 10 Oct 2023 15:40

The largest conference for teaching and learning in higher edication in Sweden- NU2024 - takes place in Umeå on June 17–19 2024.

Participants at a conference

The conference is based on networking and development through shared experiences from practice and research. Contributions in the form of abstracts can be submitted until November 6.

The theme of the conference is Higher education in and for change. The world around us is changing. The climate, the Covid pandemic, AI, war concerns, new governments and much else need to be handled within the educational activities carried out at Sedish universities. At the same time, teachers at universities, educational developers and educational leaders drive change that comes from interest and professional commitment to increased quality. The educational institutions are changing in response to events in the outside world on the one hand and on the other hand deeply engaged in work for concrete change in their own operations. With the conference's theme, we want to encourage conversations in this area. Read more and submit a contribution on the website www.nu2024.se. The main language of the conference will be Swedish, but it is possible to contribute in English. 

The NU conference is a meeting place for everyone with an interest in higher education and educational development. The University and College Association of Sweden (SUHF) organizes the conference. NU2024 is hosted by Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University, MiD Sweden University, Dalarna University, Gävle University and Uppsala University.


The page was updated 10/10/2023