"You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by attending"

Tue 28 Nov 2023 09:16

Mini interview with student Amanda on why Mötesplats campus is a career fair you don't want to miss, and her best tips on how to prepare.

Woman with light and short hair looks into the camera, the woman wears a black knitted sweater and stands in front of a large meeting table.

Name: Amanda Wahlsten
Age: 29
Programme: Last year of Förvaltningsjuridiska programmet in Östersund

Mötesplats campus is approaching, have you attended before and do you plan to attend this year?

Yes, I have! Last year in Östersund, I took the opportunity to speak with all the companies that participated. It is important for students to attend events specifically designed for us, as there is nothing to lose, and everything to gain. So, yes, I definitely plan to attend this year as well. My goal is to make new connections, just like last year, but this time I am better prepared with more specific questions aimed at specific companies.

What questions do you hope to get an answer to during the event?

Primarily, I am seeking valuable tips and insights from their perspective, as someone who will soon enter the real job market. I want to understand their expectations, among other things.

What is the best way to prepare for the career fair on campus?

Honestly, you don't have to prepare so much. As I mentioned earlier, I was not prepared last time, and it still went well. However, since this is my final year and graduation is approaching, I want to make the most out of my visit, especially since it will be my last career fair. What I have done is simply visit the Mötesplats campus website, which provides a helpful list of tips to consider. In addition to that, I have researched the companies in advance and made a list of questions I want to ask. Now, when I think about it, this was probably a tip I got from the Mötesplats campus list that I just mentioned, haha!


Take inspiration from Amanda and swing by Ljushallen, campus Östersund on December 7th! See you then and read more about Mötesplats campus and how to best prepare here.


The page was updated 11/28/2023