CER initiates studies in knowledge and innovation‑driven growth
In collaboration with the Center for Regional Studies at Umeå University (CERUM), CER is starting a project with the focus on knowledge- and innovation-driven growth and sustainable social development in Norrland.
CER organized a webinar on September 16 in collaboration with Pro&Pro to discuss how academia, business and the public sector can contribute to growth in our region together. An ambition of the project is to increase knowledge on the factors that can influence regional development based on the specific conditions that prevail in Västernorrland and Jämtland/Härjedalen. Business, the public sector and other interested parties were invited.
Previously, CER's center leader Peter Öhman and CERUM's director Johan Lundberg, together with Mittuniversitette's rector Anders Fällström, have highlighted the importance of research and evidence-based knowledge in this area. This was done through a CER blog as well as a debate article in Sundsvall Tidning.