CER is awarded millions in funding from KK‑stiftelsen.
The The Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development has granted CER 3.2 million SEK for the four-year project "Lifelong Learning as a Strategic Resource for Organizational Development in an Increasingly Digitalized Financial Sector."
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development (KK-stiftelsen) as a funder of research and competence development, a special initiative was launched to enhance collaboration capabilities at Swedish universities through doctoral positions. The goal of this anniversary initiative was to increase opportunities for doctoral students in selected academic environments and prepare them for careers both within and outside academia.
In the application approved by KK-stiftelsen, CER combined its two profile areas: "Digital Banking and Finance" and "Lifelong Learning and Organizational Development." The anniversary doctoral position thus strengthens efforts at the intersection of these two profile areas. The project also involves two companies from the CER network: Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland and Nordea.