Two new CER reports

Fri 24 Jan 2025 08:27

Two new popular science reports on digital banking services are now available for download from CER's website. The reports are based on two internationally published journal articles.

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Masoome Abikari writes that emotions influence our decisions to a greater extent than has been shown so far. The present study shows different correlations between the feelings of young, well-educated bank customers and their risk experiences and, by extension, their intentions to use digital banking services. Likewise, that a strongly negative emotion cannot always be compensated by another, more positive, emotion. 

Read the report Young well-educated bank customers, perceived risk and digital banking services

Irina Dimitrova and Peter Öhman describe and analyse so-called barriers and barrier breakers in relation to bank customers' use of digital payment methods. The results show that barrier breakers can have a positive impact on the willingness to fully use digital payment methods. In some cases, however, a "personal contact" seems to be difficult to replace with digital solutions, especially for bank customers who are not entirely positive about the ongoing development towards a cashless society. 

Read the report Different bank customers' intentions to fully use digital payment methods


The page was updated 1/24/2025