CER in leading roles at international online conference

Mon 03 Jan 2022 10:30

On 11-12 November, INTI International University in Malaysia hosted a digital conference on innovation and sign entrepreneurship (ICIT 2021). CER organized one of the parallel sessions.

Mustafa och Peter

Mustafa Nourallah handeled the session on FinTech, where several papers were presented and discussed. In conclusion, he summarized what were the main themes of this session. CER's center leader Peter Öhman was the keynote speaker together with Dr. Chia-Li Chien from Lutheran University in the USA. Peter Öhman's lecture was entitled "Individuals' perceptions of FinTech solutions: Digital payment methods and robo financial advisors" while Chia-Li Chien chose to focus on "Accounting for retirement asset distributions". In addition, speakers from Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States participated. As one of these, Mustafa Nourallah spoke about one of his ongoing studies under the heading "Robo financial advisers: Risk and initial trust".


The page was updated 1/3/2022