Book launch in the capital

Mon 12 Jun 2023 11:53

On this day, 100 years after the auditors' organization FAR was formed on May 26, 1923, Ekerlid's publisher launched the anthology " Revision – i går, i dag, i morgon”. Editors and main writers are Katharina Rahnert from Karlstad University and Peter Öhman, center leader at CER.

Peter Öhman och Katharina Rahnert

The book is described as a multi-faceted and popular science review of the development of audit activities in Sweden with writers from Swedish universities within the subject disciplines of business administration, law and economic history. The anthology can also serve as a knowledge-bank for all of the students who write their theses on audit-related issues.

In addition to the editors, Karin Apelman , secretary general and CEO of FAR, Anders Ahlgren, chief legal officer at the Swedish Auditors' Inspection, Anders Houltz , research director at the Center for Business History and Peter Malmqvist, accountant and financial analyst, will participate at the book launch.

- It is great that the book has already received so much attention and we can also note that the industry is undergoing an extensive transformation that will be interesting to follow in the coming decades, comments Peter Öhman.


The page was updated 6/12/2023