New CER Reference Group

Thu 16 May 2024 08:22

The May meeting marked the first for the new reference group in CER, which now consists of three internal and six external members.

referensgrupp CER

Since the start on 2024, CER has had a partially new organization, with clearer links between the research activities and the network. As part of the organisational change, a new reference group was appointed, which has now held its first meeting. Their mandate extends until 2026-12-31, and the reference group includes Carina Bergquist Palm, Nordea's Norrlandsstiftelse, Mikael Bergström, Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland (Chairman), Anna Dahlgren, Diös, Maria Humla, SPV, Jimmy Jaldemark, CER, Mustafa Nourallah, CER, Carina Svensson, Skandia, Anders Wallner, HSB Södra Norrland, and Peter Öhman, CER.


The page was updated 5/16/2024