Publications at DEMICOM
Articles in journals
Articles, book reviews
Articles, reviews/surveys
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Conference proceedings (editor)
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Doctoral theses, monographs
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Johansson, C. , Jahn, J. & Elving, W. (2024). Guest editorial : Communication research advancing sustainable development. Journal of Communication Management, vol. 28: 1, pp. 1-14.
Arnesson, J. & Grandien, C. (2024). Behind-the-scenes of the parliament : Influencer genres and political authenticity on Swedish politicians’ YouTube channels. Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies,
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. (2024). Constructing inclusion and exclusion in and through leaders’ communication discourses and practices. Comunicação & Sociedade, vol. 45: 3, pp. 75-109.
Wadbring, I. & Bergström, L. (2021). Audiences behind the Paywall : News Navigation among Established versus Newly Added Subscribers. Digital Journalism, vol. 9: 3, pp. 319-335.
Falasca, K. & Helgesson, E. (2021). Revolving around roles : Public affairs practitioners as democratic enablers or as hired guns. Public Relations Review, vol. 47: 1
Harvard, J. , Hyvonen, M. & Wadbring, I. (2020). Journalism from Above : Drones and the Media in Critical Perspective. Media and Communication, vol. 8: 3, pp. 60-63.
Reberg, M. (2020). Exploring the possibilities with shared spreadsheets in gathering and analyzing information on the usage of study rooms in a university library. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, vol. 9: 1, pp. 101-108.
Bolin, N. & Falasca, K. (2019). Reaching the Voter : Exploring Swedish Political Parties’ Assessment of Different Communication Channels in Three National Election Campaigns, 2010–2018. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, vol. 121: 3, pp. 347-365.
Johansson, C. , Grandien, C. & Strandh, K. (2019). Roadmap for a communication maturity index for organizations—Theorizing, analyzing and developing communication value. Public Relations Review, vol. 45: 4
Hamrin, S. (2019). Constructions of inclusion at two senior nursing home units in Sweden : immigrants’ perspectives. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, vol. 38: 4, pp. 462-476.
Nord, L. & Grusell, M. (2019). 30-second politics, 30 years too late : Political TV advertising in Swedish election campaigns, 2006–2018. Central European Journal of Communication, vol. 12: 3, pp. 282-298.
Falasca, K. , Dymek, M. & Grandien, C. (2019). Social media election campaigning : who is working for whom? A conceptual exploration of digital political labour. Contemporary Social Science, vol. 14: 1, pp. 89-101.
Jangdal, L. , Cepaite Nilsson, A. & Stúr, E. (2019). Hyperlocal Journalism and PR : Diversity in Roles and Interactions. Observatorio (OBS*), vol. 13: 1
Strömbäck, J. , Falasca, K. & Kruikemeier, S. (2018). The Mix of Media Use Matters : Investigating the Effects of Individual News Repertoires on Offline and Online Political Participation. Political Communication, vol. 35: 3, pp. 413-432.
Jahn, J. L. S. & Johansson, C. (2018). The communicative constitution of adaptive capacity during Sweden’s Västmanland wildfire. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 23: 2, pp. 162-179.
Johansson, C. & Nord, L. (2018). The Simple Truth: Ambiguity Works : Discursive Strategies by Swedish Public Authorities during the 2008 Financial Crisis. International Journal of Business Communication, vol. 55: 2, pp. 220-236.
Falasca, K. (2018). Not minimal but more difficult to measure : A panel study of media effects. Observatorio (OBS*), vol. 12: 3, pp. 48-65.
Johansson, C. & Bäck, E. (2017). Strategic Leadership Communication for Crisis Network Coordination. International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 11: 4, pp. 324-343.
Ortiz, J. , Hamrin, S. , Aggio, C. & Dalmonte, E. (2017). Television experience and political discussion on Twitter : exploring online conversations during the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections. Galáxia, vol. 1: 36, pp. 45-58.
Strömbäck, J. (2017). Does Public Service TV and the Intensity of the Political Information Environment Matter?. Journalism Studies, vol. 18: 11, pp. 1415-1432.
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. (2017). Where you lead we will follow : A longitudinal study of strategic political communication and inter-party relations in election campaigning. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 17: 3
Grandien, C. (2017). Pulling together and tearing apart : The occupational branding of public relations and the management of tainted work. Public Relations Inquiry, vol. 6: 1, pp. 73-98.
Wadbring, I. (2017). Introduction. Nordicom Information, vol. 39: 2, pp. 3-6.
Helgesson, E. & Falasca, K. (2017). The construction of an elusive concept : Framing the controversial role and practice of lobbying in Swedish media. Public Relations Inquiry, vol. 6: 3, pp. 275-291.
Grandien, C. & Johansson, C. (2016). Organizing and disorganizing strategic communication : Discursive institutional change in dynamics in two communication departments. International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 10: 4, pp. 332-351.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Communicative leadership : Exploring leaders' discourse on participation and engagement. Comunicação & Sociedade, vol. 38: 2, pp. 7-42.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Communicative leadership and context : Exploring constructions of the context in discourses of leadership practices. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 21: 3, pp. 371-387.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Recontextualizing communicative leadership : The interplay of discourses in a Swedish multinational organization. International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 10: 1, pp. 18-35.
Hamrin, S. , Johansson, C. & Jahn, J. L. (2016). Communicative Leadership : Fostering co-worker agency in two Swedish business organizations. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 21: 2, pp. 213-229.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Johansson, C. (2016). How Communicative Leadership influences co-workers’ health : A Quality Management perspective. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 8: 2, pp. 143-158.
Strömbäck, J. (2016). A Question of Time? : A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between News Media Consumption and Political Trust.. The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 21: 1, pp. 88-110.
Wadbring, I. (2016). Massmedierna i Norden : Strukturella likheter och skillnader. Nordisk Tidskrift för vetenskap, konst och industri, vol. 92: 4, pp. 317-325.
Wadbring, I. (2016). Ad blockers - annonsörernas största utmaning. Nordicom Information, vol. 38: 1, pp. 60
Wadbring, I. (2016). The role of traditional media in a converging world. Nordicom Review, : 37, pp. 193-197.
Reberg, M. (2016). Rum för lärande, rum för ordning. Tidskriften bis, : 2, pp. 22-24.
Wadbring, I. & Ödmark, S. (2016). Going Viral : News Sharing and Shared News in Social Media. Observatorio (OBS*), vol. 10: 4, pp. 132-149.
Hopmann, D. N. , Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2015). Contagious Media Effects : How Media Use and Exposure to Game-Framed News Influence Media Trust. Mass Communication & Society, vol. 18: 6, pp. 776-798.
Bergström, A. & Wadbring, I. (2015). Beneficial yet crappy : Journalists and audiences on obstacles and opportunities in reader comments. European Journal of Communication, vol. 30: 2, pp. 137-151.
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2015). Enhancing public resilience : A community approach. Planet@Risk, vol. 3: 1, pp. 33-44.
Nilsson, M. & Wadbring, I. (2015). Not Good Enough? : Amateur Images in Print and Online Mainstream News Media. Journalism Practice, vol. 9: 4, pp. 484-501.
Kiousis, S. , Strömbäck, J. & McDevitt, M. (2015). Influence of Issue Decision Salience on Vote Choice : Linking Agenda Setting, Priming, and Issue Ownership. International Journal of Communication, vol. 9: 1, pp. 3347-3368.
Dimnitrova, D. , Shehata, A. , Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2014). The Effects of Digital Media on Political Knowledge and Participation in Election Campaigns : Evidence from Panel Data. Communication Research, vol. 41: 1, pp. 95-118.
Ekström, M. , Olsson, T. & Shehata, A. (2014). Spaces for public orientation? : Longitudinal effects of Internet use in adolescence. Information, Communication and Society, vol. 17: 2, pp. 168-183.
Shehata, A. & Falasca, K. (2014). Priming effects during the financial crisis : accessibility and applicability mechanisms behind government approval. European Political Science Review, vol. 6: 4, pp. 597-620.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2014). Introduction : Making Sense of the Mediatization of Politics. Journalism Studies, vol. 15: 3, pp. 243-255.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2014). Introduction : Making Sense of the Mediatization of Politics. Journalism Practice, vol. 8, pp. 245-257.
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. D. & Hamrin, S. (2014). Conceptualizing communicative leadership : A framework for analysing and developing leaders’ communication competence. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 19: 2, pp. 147-165.
Falasca, K. (2014). Political news journalism : Mediatization across three news reporting contexts. European Journal of Communication, vol. 29: 5, pp. 583-597.
Shehata, A. (2014). Game Frames, Issue Frames, and Mobilization : Disentangling the Effects of Frame Exposure and Motivated News Attention on Political Cynicism and Engagement. International journal of public opinion research, vol. 26: 2, pp. 157-177.
Nord, L. , Ots, M. , Wadbring, I. , Strömbäck, J. & Weibull, L. (2014). Stoppa ökande medieklyfta för vår demokratis skull. Dagens Nyheter, vol. DN Debatt: 2014-10-02
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Johansson, C. (2014). Health Related Quality Management Values and Key Principles of Communicative Leadership - Are They the Same?. Quality Innovation Prosperity, vol. 18: 1, pp. 59-72.
Falasca, K. (2014). Framing the Financial Crisis : An unexpected interaction between the government and the press. Observatorio (OBS*), vol. 8: 1, pp. 1-21.
Wadbring, I. (2013). Journalists Care About Commercialization. Journalistica, : 1, pp. 96-113.
Strömbäck, J. , Negrine, R. , Hopmann, D. N. , Jalali, C. , Berganza, R. , Seeber, G. U. H. , Seceleanu, A. , Volek, J. & et al. (2013). Sourcing the News : Comparing Source Use and Media Framing of the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections. Journal of Political Marketing, vol. 12: 1, pp. 29-52.
Holt, K. , Shehata, A. , Strömbäck, J. & Ljungberg, E. (2013). Age and the effects of news media attention and social media use on political interest and participation : Do social media function as leveller?. European Journal of Communication, vol. 28: 1, pp. 5-18.
Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2013). Not (Yet) a New Era of Minimal Effects : A Study of Agenda Setting at the Aggregate and Individual Levels. The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 18: 2, pp. 234-255.
Strömbäck, J. , Grandien, C. & Falasca Larsson, K. (2013). Do Campaign Strategies and Tactics Matter? : Exploring Party Elite Perceptions of What Matters When Explaining Election Outcomes. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 13: 1, pp. 41-52.
Strömbäck, J. & van Aelst, P. (2013). Why Political Parties Adapt to the Media : Exploring the Fourth Dimension of Mediatization. International Communication Gazette, vol. 75: 4, pp. 341-358.
Shehata, A. (2013). Active or Passive Learning From Television? : Political Information Opportunities and Knowledge Gaps During Election Campaigns. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, vol. 23: 2, pp. 200-222.
Strömbäck, J. , Djerf-Pierre, M. & Shehata, A. (2013). The Dynamics of Political Interest and News Media Consumption : A Longitudinal Perspective. International journal of public opinion research, vol. 25: 4, pp. 415-435.
Strömbäck, J. & Kiousis, S. (2013). Political Public Relations : Old Practice, New Theory-Building. Public Relations Journal, vol. 7: 4, pp. 1-17.
Bergström, A. & Wadbring, I. (2012). Strong Support for News Media : Attitudes Towards News on Old and New Platforms. Media International Australia, : 144, pp. 118-126.
Johansson, C. & Stohl, C. (2012). Cultural Competence and Institutional Contradictions: The Hydropower Referendum. Journal of applied communications research, vol. 40: 4, pp. 329-349.
Shehata, A. & Hopmann, D. (2012). Framing climate change : A study of US and Swedish press coverage of global warming. Journalism Studies, vol. 13: 2, pp. 175-192.
Strömbäck, J. , Karlsson, M. & Hopmann, D. N. (2012). Determinants of News Content : Comparing Journalists’ Perceptions of the Normative and Actual Impact of Different Event Properties When Deciding What’s News. Journalism Studies, vol. 13: 5-6, pp. 718-728.
Wadbring, I. (2012). Inflation eller deflation i mediekonsumtionen? : En analys av människors medieutgifter och syn på mediers prisvärdhet. Nordicom Information, vol. 34: 1, pp. 37-48.
Jalakas, A. & Wadbring, I. (2012). Diversified research about magazines—a map by databases of magazine research. Journal of Media Business Studies, vol. 9: 2, pp. 81-96.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2012). Election News in Sweden and the United States : A Comparison of Sources and Media Frames. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, vol. 13: 5, pp. 604-619.
Esser, F. , de Vreese, C. H. , Strömbäck, J. , van Aelst, P. , Aalberg, T. , Stanyer, J. , Lengauer, G. , Berganza, R. & et al. (2012). Political Information Opportunities in Europe : A Longitudinal and Comparative Study of Thirteen Television Systems. The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 17: 3, pp. 247-274.
Holt, K. (2012). Authentic Journalism? : A Critical Discussion about Existential Authenticity in Journalism Ethics. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, vol. 27: 1, pp. 2-14.
Johansson, C. & Ottestig, A. T. (2011). Communication executives in a changing world: Legitimacy beyond organizational borders. Journal of Communication Management, vol. 15: 2, pp. 144-164.
Grandien, C. & Johansson, C. (2011). Institutionalization of communication management in organizations – A theoretical framework. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 17: 2, pp. 209-227.
Nicolas Hopmann, D. & Shehata, A. (2011). The Contingencies of Ordinary Citizen Appearances in Political Television News. Journalism Practice, vol. 5: 6, pp. 657-671.
Strömbäck, J. (2011). Mediatization and perceptions of the media's political influence. Journalism Studies, vol. 12: 4, pp. 423-439.
Strömbäck, J. & Karlsson, M. (2011). Who’s Got the Power? : Journalists’ Perceptions of Changing Influences over the News. Journalism Practice, vol. 5: 6, pp. 643-656.
Holt, K. & Karlsson, M. (2011). Edited participation comparing editorial influence on traditional and participatory online newspapers in Sweden. Javnost - The Public, vol. 18: 2, pp. 19-36.
Aalberg, T. & Strömbäck, J. (2011). Media-driven Men and Media-critical Women? : An Empirical Study of Gender and MPs’ Relationships with the Media in Norway and Sweden. International Political Science Review, vol. 32: 2, pp. 167-187.
Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2011). A Matter of Context : A Comparative Study of Media Environments and News Consumption Gaps in Europe. Political Communication, vol. 28: 1, pp. 110-134.
Strömbäck, J. & Dimitrova, D. V. (2011). Mediatization and Media Interventionism : A Comparative Analysis of Sweden and the United States. The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 16: 1, pp. 30-49.
Reberg, M. (2011). Biblioteket och den politiska anatomin. Tidskriften bis, : 3
Reberg, M. (2011). Samhällsinformation - Hur Svenska kyrkan "utnyttjar" Posten.. HumanistInfo, vol. 13: 1
Strömbäck, J. & van Aelst, P. (2010). Exploring Some Antecedents of the Media's Framing of Election News : A Comparison of Swedish and Belgian Election. International journal of press-politics, vol. 15: 1, pp. 41-59.
Hopmann, D. N. & Strömbäck, J. (2010). The Rise of the Media Punditocracy? : Journalists and Media Pundits in Danish Election News 1994-2007. Media Culture and Society, vol. 32: 6, pp. 943-960.
Strömbäck, J. , Mitrook, M. A. & Kiousis, S. (2010). Bridging Two Schools of Thought : Applications of Public Relations Theory to Political Marketing. Journal of Political Marketing, vol. 9: 1, pp. 73-92.
Karlsson, M. & Strömbäck, J. (2010). Freezing the Flow of Online News : Exploring Approaches to the Study of the Liquidity of Online News. Journalism Studies, vol. 11: 1, pp. 2-19.
Kiousis, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2010). The White House and public relations: Examining the linkages between presidential communications and public opinion. Public Relations Review, vol. 36: 1, pp. 7-14.
Strömbäck, J. & Kiousis, S. (2010). A New Look at Agenda-Setting Effects : Comparing the Predictive Power of Overall Political News Consumption and Specific News Media Consumption Across Different Media Channels and Media Types. Journal of Communication, vol. 60: 2, pp. 271-292.
Shehata, A. , van Aelst, P. & van Dalen, A. (2010). Members of Parliament, Equal Competitors for Media Attention? : An Analysis of Personal Contacts Between MPs and Political Journalists in Five Countries.. Political Communication, vol. 27: 3, pp. 310-325.
Shehata, A. (2010). Marking Journalistic Independence : Official Dominance and the Rule of Product Substitution in Swedish Press Coverage. European Journal of Communication, vol. 25: 2, pp. 123-137.
Shehata, A. (2010). Unemployment on the Agenda : A Panel Study of Agenda Setting Effects during the 2006 Swedish National Election Campaign. Journal of Communication, vol. 60: 1, pp. 182-U264.
Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2010). Media Malaise or a Virtuous Circle? : Exploring the Causal Relationships Between News Media Exposure, Political News Attention and Political Interest. European Journal of Political Research, vol. 49: 5, pp. 575-597.
Shehata, A. (2010). Pathways to Politics : How Media System Characteristics Can Influence Socioeconomic Gaps in Political Participation. Harvard Internation Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 15: 3, pp. 295-318.
Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2010). More Cold Case Than Hot Spot : A Study of Public Opinion on Political Advertising in Swedish Television. Nordicom Review, vol. 31: 2, pp. 95-111.
Holt, K. & Krogh, T. v. (2010). The citizen as media critic in periods of media change. Observatorio (OBS*), vol. 4: 4, pp. 287-306.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). The Conditionality of Source Use : Comparing Source Use in U.S. and Swedish Television News. Journal of Global Mass Communication, vol. 2: 1/2, pp. 149-166.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Vox Populi or Vox Media? : Opinion Polls and the Swedish Media, 1998-2006. Javnost - The Public, vol. 16: 3, pp. 55-70.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Selective Professionalisation of Political Campaigning : A Test of the Party-Centred Theory of Professionalised Campaigning in the Context of the 2006 Swedish Election. Political Studies, vol. 57: 1, pp. 95-116.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). Look Who’s Talking : Use of Sources in Newspaper Coverage in Sweden and the United States. Journalism Practice, vol. 3: 1, pp. 75-91.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). Marketing With a Feeling : The Brand New Party Junilistan in the Swedish European Parliamentary Election 2004. Journal of Political Marketing, vol. 8: 1, pp. 35-45.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). It’s the Perceptions, Stupid. Communication Director, : 1, pp. 68-72.
Strömbäck, J. & Luengo, O. G. (2008). Polarized Pluralist and Democratic Corporatist Models : A Comparison of Election News Coverage in Spain and Sweden. International Communication Gazette, vol. 70: 6, pp. 547-562.
van der Werf, R. , Lauf, E. , Balčytienė, A. , Fortunati, L. , Holmberg, S. L. , Paulussen, S. & Salaverría, R. (2008). Online and print newspapers in Europe in 2003. Evolving towards complementarity. Communiations, vol. 33: 4, pp. 403-430.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Foreign Policy and the Framing of the 2003 Iraq War in Elite Swedish and US Newspapers. Media, War & Conflict, vol. 1: 2, pp. 203-220.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). Four Phases of Mediatization : An Analysis of the Mediatization of Politics. The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 13: 3, pp. 228-246.
Strömbäck, J. & Aalberg, T. (2008). Election News Coverage in Democratic Corporatist Countries : A Comparative Study of Sweden and Norway. Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 31: 1, pp. 91-106.
Johansson, C. & Heide, M. (2008). Speaking of Change : Three communication approaches in studies of organizational change. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 13: 3, pp. 288-305.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). Medialisering och makt : En analys av mediernas politiska påverkan. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, vol. 110: 4, pp. 385-405.
Strömbäck, J. , Shehata, A. & Dimitrova, D. (2008). Framing the Mohammad cartoons issue : A cross-cultural comparison of Swedish and US press. Global Media and Communication, vol. 1: 2, pp. 203-220.
Strömbäck, J. (2007). Antecedents of Political Market Orientation in Britain and Sweden: : Analysis and Future Research Propositions. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 7: 1, pp. 79-89.
Strömbäck, J. & Johansson, B. (2007). Electoral Cycles and the Mobilizing Effects of Elections: : A Longitudinal Study of the Swedish Case. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, vol. 17: 1, pp. 79-99.
Strömbäck, J. & Shehata, A. (2007). Structural Biases in British and Swedish Election News Coverage. Journalism Studies, vol. 8: 5, pp. 798-812.
Olsson, T. , Hjelm, M. , Sidén, J. & Nilsson, H. (2007). Comparative robustness study of planar antennas. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 1: 3, pp. 674-680.
Olsson, T. , Sidén, J. , Hjelm, M. & Nilsson, H. (2007). Robustness of printed patch antenna. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 55: 10, pp. 2709-2717.
Nilsson, H. , Sidén, J. , Olsson, T. , Jonsson, P. & Koptoiug, A. (2007). Evaluation of a printed patch antenna for robust microwave RFID tags. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 1: 3, pp. 776-781.
Johansson, C. (2007). Research on Organizational Communication : The Case of Sweden. Nordicom Review, vol. 28: 1, pp. 93-110.
Strömbäck, J. (2007). Marketplace of Ideas and Marketplace of Money : A Study of Commercialism and the Swedish Election News Coverage in 1998 and 2002. Nordicom Review, vol. 28: Jubilee Issue, pp. 51-62.
Strömbäck, J. (2007). Political Marketing and Professionalized Campaigning : A Conceptual Analysis. Journal of Political Marketing, vol. 6: 2-3, pp. 49-67.
Johansson, C. (2007). Goffman's sociology : An inspiring resource for developing public relations theory. Public Relations Review, vol. 33: 3, pp. 275-280.
Shehata, A. (2007). Facing the Muhammad Cartoons : Official Dominance and Event-Driven News in Swedish and American Elite Press. Harvard Internation Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 12: 4, pp. 131-153.
Strömbäck, J. & Dimitrova, D. V. (2006). Political and Media Systems Matter. : A Comparison of Election News Coverage in Sweden and the United States. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 11: 4, pp. 131-147.
Johansson, C. (2006). No problems utom nyanserna : Engelskan dominerar i de svenska storföretagen. Språkvård, : 1, pp. 30-36.
Olsson, T. & Nilsson, H. (2006). Bow-tie and dipole antenna feed robustness mechanisms. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 5: 1, pp. 163-167.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2006). Reporting More, Informing Less. : A Comparison of the Swedish media coverage of September 11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, vol. 7: 1, pp. 85-110.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2006). Mismanagement, mistrust and missed opportunities: a study of the 2004 tsunami and Swedish political communication : Editorial. Media, Culture & Society, vol. 28: 5, pp. 789-800.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2006). Do Politicians Lead the Tango? : A Study of the Relationship Betwdeen Swedish Journalists and their Political Sources. European Journal of Communication, vol. 21: 2, pp. 147-164.
Hedman, L. , Alström, B. , Enlund, N. , Hvitfelt, H. & Nygren, G. (2005). Medieutveckling : ett forskningsområde med många ingångar. Nordicom Information, : 4, pp. 25-41.
Dimitrova, D. & Strömbäck, J. (2005). Mission Accomplished? : Framing of the Iraq War in the Elite Newspapers in Sweden and the United States. Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies, vol. 67: 5, pp. 399-417.
Olsson, T. , Sidén, J. & Koptioug, A. (2005). Robustness comparison of bow-tie and dipole antennas. IEE Proceedings - Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, vol. 151: 6, pp. 525-529.
Olsson, T. & Koptioug, A. (2005). Statistical analysis of antenna robustness. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53: 1, pp. 566-568.
Strömbäck, J. (2005). In Search of a Standard : four models of democracy and their normative implications for journalism. Journalism Studies, vol. 6: 3, pp. 331-345.
Reberg, M. (2004). Mediekonvergens, digitala bilder och Vilém Flusser. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, vol. 33: 2, pp. 100-119.
Reberg, M. (2004). När medier konvergerar. Akka. Tidskrift för kultur och lärande, , pp. 57-78.
Wahlberg [Schröder], J. , Persson, P. V. , Olsson, T. , Hedenström, E. & Iversen, T. (2003). Structural Characterization of a Lipase-Catalyzed Copolymerization of epsilon-Caprolactone and D,L-Lactide. Biomacromolecules, vol. 4: 4, pp. 1068-1071.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2003). Making Sense of Different Types of Crises : A Study of the Swedish Media Coverage of the Terror Attacks against the United States and the U.S Attacks in Afghanistan. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 8: 4, pp. 54-75.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2003). Mission Impossible? : Some Notes on Journalistic Shortcomings in the Coverage of War and Terrorism. Nordicom Review, vol. 24: 2, pp. 127-141.
Articles, book reviews
Wadbring, I. (2014). ’Book Review: Audience Research Methodologies. Between Innovation and Consolidation’. The Journal of Media Innovations, vol. 1: 2, pp. 126-128.
Wadbring, I. & Brink Lund, A. (2013). Jens Barland : Et empirisk bidrag til forståelsen av kveldspressens markedsutvikling. Norsk Medietidsskrift, : 1
Wadbring, I. & Brink Lund, A. (2013). Et empirisk bidrag til förståelsen av kveldspressens markedsutvikling. Norsk Medietidsskrift, vol. 1, pp. 90-92.
Holt, K. (2008). Tore Ahlbäck (red.), Exercising power. The role of Religions in Concord and Conflict. : Anmälan av Kristoffer Holt. Historisk Tidskrift, : 1, pp. 105-108.
Holt, K. (2006). Yttrandefrihetens dilemma. Uppsala nya tidning UNT,
Articles, reviews/surveys
Aalberg, T. , Strömbäck, J. & de Vreese, C. H. (2012). The framing of politics as strategy and game : A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, vol. 13: 2, pp. 162-178.
Salgado, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2012). Interpretive journalism : A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, vol. 13: 2, pp. 144-161.
Esser, F. , Strömbäck, J. & de Vreese, C. H. (2012). Reviewing key concepts in research on political news journalism : Conceptualizations, operationalizations, and propositions for future research. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, vol. 13: 2, pp. 139-143.
Bolin, N. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2022). Politik är att vinna : De svenska partiernas valkampanjer. Stockholm : Timbro förlag
Johansson, C. , Heide, M. & Simonsson, C. (2021). Kommunikation i organisationer. Stockholm : Liber
Wadbring, I. & Weibull, L. (2020). Det svenska medielandskapet : Traditionella och sociala medier i samspel och konkurrens. Stockholm : Liber
Weibull, L. , Wadbring, I. & Ohlsson, J. (2018). Det svenska medielandskapet : traditionella och sociala medier i samspel och konkurrens. Stockholm : Liber
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2018). Svenska valrörelser : Väljare, medier och partier under 2000-talet. Stockholm : Santérus Förlag
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Utan invandring stannar Sverige. Stockholm : Volante
Strömbäck, J. (2014). Makt, medier och samhälle : En introduktion till politisk kommunikation. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Weibull, L. & Wadbring, I. (2014). Massmedier : Nya villkor för press, radio och tv i det digitala medielandskapet. Stockholm : Ekerlids förlag
Strömbäck, J. (2013). Svenska framtidsutmaningar : Slutrapport från regeringens Framtidskommission. Stockholm : Fritzes (Departementsserie 2013:19).
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2013). Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag
Wadbring, I. (2012). Journalistikens kommersialisering – mera myt än sanning? : Innehållets förändring i svensk dagspress 1960-2010. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier
Johansson, C. , Heide, M. & Simonsson, C. (2012). Kommunikation i organisationer. Malmö : Liber
Nord, L. & Grusell, M. (2012). Inte för brett, inte för smalt : Spelet om framtidens public service. Göteborg : Nordicom
Hadenius, S. , Weibull, L. & Wadbring, I. (2011). Massmedier. Press, radio och tv i den digitala tidsåldern. : 10 reviderade upplagan.. Stockholm : Ekerlids förlag
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Makt, medier och samhälle : En introduktion till politisk kommunikation. Stockholm : SNS förlag
Nord, L. & Stúr, E. (2009). Tyckandets tid : Journalistik, kommentarer, valrörelse. Stockholm : Sim(o) Mediestudier
Anna Maria, J. & Strömbäck, J. (2007). TV-journalistik i konkurrensens tid. Nyhets- och samhällsprogram i svensk TV 1990-2004. Stockholm : Ekerlids förlag
Strömbäck, J. , Petersson, O. , Djerf-Pierre, M. , Holmberg, S. & Weibull, L. (2006). Mediernas valmakt. Stockholm : SNS förlag (Demokratirådets rapport ).
Heide, M. , Johansson, C. & Simonsson, C. (2005). Kommunikation och Organisation. Malmö : Liber
Strömbäck, J. (2004). Den medialiserade demokratin : om journalistikens ideal, verklighet och makt. Stockholm : SNS förlag
Alström, B. & Nord, L. (2003). Den skånska modellen : en VD, två kulturer, tre tidningar och fyra bröder. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2003). Valfeber och nyhetsfrossa : politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2002. Stockholm : Sellin & Partner
Alström, B. & Nord, L. (2002). Expedition Mångfald : båda tidningarna kvar på ön. Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag
Strömbäck, J. (2000). Makt och medier : Samspelet mellan medborgarna, medierna och de politiska makthavarna. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Alström, B. & Nord, L. (2000). Två små ger mer än en stor : en rapport om en tidningsfusion i Ångermanland. Kunskapsförlaget
Chapters in books
Grandien, C. & Johansson, C. (2024). Ledarskap och kommunikation för hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. In Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 109-111.
Asklund, H. & Ottestig, A. T. (2024). Din pedagogiska grundsyn. In Mata inte studenten : En handbok av lärare för lärare. Malmö : Liber. pp. 189-203.
Ottestig, A. T. & Asklund, H. (2024). Inledning. In Mata inte studenten : En handbok av lärare för lärare. Malmö : Liber. pp. 7-14.
Ottestig, A. T. & Ulin, M. (2024). Studentmedskapande processer. In Mata inte studenten : en handbok av lärare för lärare. Stockholm : Liber. pp. 167-188.
von Essen, M. & Reberg, M. (2023). Introduktion : Rollen som utställningskurator till en forskningskommunicerande utställning i biblioteksrummet. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 13-14.
Reberg, M. (2023). Ny plats, nytt rum, ny form : Anpassning av en forskningskommunicerande vandringsutställning. In MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek). pp. 31-51.
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. & Grusell, M. (2023). Att tänka fritt, rätt och snabbt. In Snabbtänkt & Eftertänkt. En vänbok till Lars Nord. Sundsvall : Demicom (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 10-11.
Helgesson, E. & Johansson, C. (2022). Så vill lobbyisterna forma berättelsen om den svenska skogen. In Skogens värden : forskares reflektioner. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 172-173.
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2022). Valet som delade Sverige. In Snabbtänkt 2.0 22 : Reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 9-16.
Norbäck, M. & Wadbring, I. (2022). Nytt mediestöd anpassat för en digital värld.. In Mediestudiers årsbok 2022. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 60-66.
Falasca, K. (2022). Partierna söker väljarna med utspel, algoritmer och riktade budskap på olika plattformar. In Snabbtänkt 2.0 22 : Reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 56-.
Wadbring, I. & Bergström, L. (2022). Hur mycket valbevakning orkar vi med?. In Snabbtänkt 2.0 : Relektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 110-111.
Arnesson, J. & Grandien, C. (2022). Partiledarvloggar, polfluencers, och parasocialitetens betydelser för valet 2022. In Snabbtänkt 2.0 22 : reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 43-.
Kalsnes, B. , Falasca, K. & Kammer, A. (2021). Scandinavian political journalism in a time of fake news and disinformation. In Power, Communication, and Politics in the Nordic Countries. Gothenburg : Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. pp. 283-304.
Nord, L. & Grusell, M. (2021). Media and politics in Sweden. In Power, Communication, and Politics in the Nordic Countries. Gothenburg : Nordicom. pp. 113-134.
Nord, L. & Wadbring, I. (2021). Ett steg framåt, två steg tillbaka : – reflektioner kring svenska medieutredningar. In Snigeln och haren : – så kan mediepolitiken komma ikapp medieutvecklingen. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 25-35.
Grandien, C. & Josef, P. (2021). Intresseorganisationer, metaorganisationer och kommunikation : röster och arenor för policyformering. In Organisationer och kommunikation. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 221-258.
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2020). The Not So United States of America. In Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, Demicom (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 10-13.
Wadbring, I. (2020). Att möta utmaningar i medielandskapet. In Mellan det hyperlokala och globala. Journalistikens förändringar och utmaningar i en digital tid . Stockholm : Södertörns högskola. pp. 139-145.
Grandien, C. & Falasca, K. (2020). Under the influence of the influencers. In Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, Demicom (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 32-.
Wadbring, I. & Ödmark, S. (2019). Den virala vinden : Om de nyheter som lajkas, delas och kommenteras. In Nyheter - allt mer en tolkningsfråga? : Mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007-2018. Institutet för Mediestudier. pp. 47-58.
Falasca, K. (2019). Trends and challenges in the field of political communication. In Thule: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundets Årsbok 2019. Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet.
Jangdal, L. & Wadbring, I. (2019). Det journalistiska innehållet. In På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 189-209.
Nord, L. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Bolin, N. (2019). Introduction : More like 28 national elections than one European election. In Euroflections : Leading academics on the Europran elections 2019. Mid Sweden University, DEMICOM (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 9-11.
Bergström, A. & Wadbring, I. (2019). Människors nyhetskonsumtion. In På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 293-313.
Wadbring, I. (2019). Långt från lagom – svenska nyhetskonsumenter i ett internationellt perspektiv. In Mediestudiers årsbok : Tillståndet för journalistiken 2018/2019. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 146-161.
Wadbring, I. (2019). Varför låser tidningarna in sitt innehåll om de står i demokratins tjänst? : Om bokstäver och siffror, journalistik och affärsmodeller. In 13 vassa frågor om journalistik – med svar som inte stryker medhårs. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 111-119.
Wadbring, I. & Andersson, U. (2019). Journalistiken och marknaden. In På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 99-120.
Wadbring, I. & Bergström, A. (2019). Medieanvändningen och dess mekanismer. In Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 365-378.
Wadbring, I. & Nygren, G. (2019). Förändring och tröghet : framtidsspaningens svåra konst. In På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 13-31.
Johansson, C. (2018). Leadership Communication. In The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. Online : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 1-16.
Falasca, K. (2018). Nya mediedieter när vertikala och horisontella medier möts. In Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, DEMICOM. pp. 103-104.
Johansson, C. (2018). On Goffman : Researching relations with Erving Goffman as pathfinder. In Public relations and social theory : Key figures, concepts and developments. New York, NY : Routledge. pp. 252-271.
Johansson, C. (2018). Lång väg till hållbart ledarskap för klimatet. In Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Demicom, Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport).
Wadbring, I. (2018). Tidningar når vissa förstagångsväljare. In Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Demicom (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 84-.
Strömbäck, J. (2018). Utan mångfald stannar Sverige. In Boken om inkludering. Stockholm : Inclusion Academy. pp. 5-7.
Nord, L. , Grusell, M. , Bolin, N. & Falasca, K. (2018). Ingenting är längre som förut.... In Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, DEMICOM. pp. 10-12.
Grandien, C. (2018). Under the influence : parasociala opinionsledare och valet. In Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 122-.
Salgado, S. , Strömbäck, J. , Aalberg, T. & Esser, F. (2017). Interpretive Journalism. In Comparing Political Journalism. New York : Routledge. pp. 50-70.
Falasca, K. (2017). Trump bemästrade medielogiken hela vägen till Vita huset. In När makten står på spel : journalistik i valrörelser. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 152-167.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2017). НОВІТНІ КОМУНІКАЦІЙНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ В СУСПІЛЬНО : ПОЛІТИЧНИХ ПРОЦЕСАХ. In РЕКЛАМА ТА ЗВ’ЯЗКИ З ГРОМАДСЬКІСТЮ : Огляди. Дослідження. Kiev : Academvudav. pp. 139-154.
Wadbring, I. & Balčytienė, A. (2017). News Literacy : Reinventing the Ideals of Journalism and Citizenry in the 21st Century. In Citizens in Mediated World : A Nordic-Baltic Perspective on Media and Information Literacy. Göteborg : Nordicom. pp. 31-44.
Nilsson, M. & Wadbring, I. (2017). Not Good Enough? : Amateur Images in the Regular News Flow of Print and Online Newspapers. In Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism : Cooperation, Collaboration, and Connectivity. Abingdon & New York : Routledge (Journalism studies : Theory and practice). pp. 30-47.
Wadbring, I. & Pekkala, L. (2017). Citizens in a Mediated World: Some Final Words. In Citizens in Mediated World : A Nordic-Baltic Perspective on Media and Information Literacy. Göteborg : Nordicom. pp. 95-99.
Wadbring, I. & Pekkala, L. (2017). Citizens in a mediated world: Introduction. In Citizens in Mediated World : A Nordic-Baltic Perspective on Media and Information Literacy. Nordicom. pp. 11-16.
Dalquist, U. & Wadbring, I. (2017). Introduktion : Barn och unga navigerar bland medieinnehåll och marknadsföring. In Marknadsmässig kurragömmalek? : Barn, unga och dold reklam. Göteborg : Nordicom. pp. 7-10.
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Trots varningsklockor, inga tecken på försvagad social sammanhållning. In Ekvilibrium. Göteborg : SOM-institutet. pp. 65-78.
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Om mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007 och 2014. In The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 827-835.
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Det förändrade medielandskapets utmaningar. In Medielandskapet. Stockholm : Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål. pp. 49-58.
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Swedish Election Campaigns. In The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics. Oxford : Oxford University Press. pp. 275-293.
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Mediatization. In International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 827-835.
Wadbring, I. (2016). Det tidlösa innehållet. In Journalistik i förändring : om Mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007 och 2014. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 84-93.
Bolin, N. , Hinnfors, J. & Strömbäck, J. (2016). Invandring på ledarsidorna i svensk nationell dagspress 2010–2015. In Migrationen i medierna : men det får en väl inte prata om. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 192-211.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2016). Samma politiska nyheter, men lite mer privat. In Journalistik i förändring : Om Mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007 och 2014. Stockholm : Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 69-83.
Wadbring, I. (2016). Om dem som tar del av nyheter i lägre utsträckning än andra. In Människorna, medierna, marknaden. Medieutredningens forskningsantologi om en demokrati i förändring. : SOU 2016:30. Wolters Kluwer (Statens offentliga utredningar). pp. 463-486.
Wadbring, I. , Weibull, L. & Facht, U. (2016). Nyhetsvanor i ett förändrat medielandskap. In Människorna, medierna, marknaden. Medieutredningens forskningsantologi om en demokrati i förändring. : SOU 2016:30. Stockholm : Wolters Kluwer (Statens offentliga utredningar). pp. 431-462.
Wadbring, I. & Andersson, U. (2016). Nyhetsvanor bland utlandssvenskar. In Svenska utlandsröster. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (SOM-rapport). pp. 95-111.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Framtidens medielandskap, demokratin och den sociala sammanhållningen. In Om Sverige i framtiden : En antologi om digitaliseringens möjligheter. Delbetänkande av Digitaliseringskommissionen. Stockholm : Fritzes (Statens offentliga utredningar). pp. 341-367.
Johansson, C. (2015). Empowering employees through communicative leadership. In Organizational and Strategic Communication Research : European Perspectives II. Braga : CECS - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade Universidade do Minho. pp. 85-110.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Social sammanhållning och medieanvändning. In Fragment. Göteborg : SOM-institutet. pp. 63-79.
Helgesson, E. & Grandien, C. (2015). On the borderlines of advocacy : Situational professional ethics in the identity construction of public relations consultants. In Communication Ethics in a Connected World: Research in Public Relations and Organisational Communication. Peter Lang Publishing Group. pp. 215-233.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Demokratin och det förändrade medielandskapet. : Mot ökade kunskapsklyftor och deltagandeklyftor?. In Låt fler forma framtiden! : Forskarantologi.. Stockholm : Wolters Kluwer (Statens offentliga utredningar). pp. 205-256.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Future Media Environments, Democracy and Social Cohesion. In Digital Opportunities. Stockholm : Fritzes (Statens offentliga utredningar). pp. 97-122.
Wadbring, I. & Nilsson, M. (2015). Människor tycker om bilder. In Fragment: SOM-undersökningen 2014 : SOM-rapport nr 63. Förlag Göteborgs Universitet. pp. 451-462.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Politisk nyhetsjournalistik. In Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 299-316.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Journalistikens nyhetsurval och nyhetsvärderingar. In Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 151-168.
Karlsson, M. & Strömbäck, J. (2015). Inledning. In Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 19-22.
Wadbring, I. , Ohlsson, J. & Shehata, A. (2015). Lokala nyheter och lokala opinioner. In Alla dessa val : Samhälle, Opinion och Medier i Västsverige. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (SOM-rapport). pp. 111-131.
Wadbring, I. (2015). Journalistikens publiker. In Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 391-410.
Hyvönen, M. , Snickars, P. & Vesterlund, P. (2015). Mediestudiets formering : En introduktion. In Massmedieproblem : Mediestudiets formering. Lund : Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). pp. 13-52.
Hyvönen, M. , Snickars, P. & Vesterlund, P. (2015). Efterord. In Massmedieproblem : Mediestudiets formering. Lund : Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). pp. 397-405.
Hyvönen, M. (2015). Mediekritik i pocketformat : Massmedieproblem i debattböcker 1965 till 1975. In Massmedieproblem : Mediestudiets formering. Lund : Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). pp. 287-330.
Wadbring, I. (2015). Allmänhetens oro och utsatthet för näthat. In Hets och hat online : hur journalistiken och yttrandefriheten utmanas i Norden. Göteborg : Nordicom (NORDICOM-information). pp. 27-28.
Wadbring, I. (2015). Trollen i nätskogen. In Hets och hat online : hur journalistiken och yttrandefriheten utmanas i Norden. Göteborg : Nordicom (NORDICOM-information). pp. 65-68.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2015). Introduction : Making Sense of the Mediatization of Politics. In Making Sense of Mediatized Politics : Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London : Routledge. pp. 1-14.
Ekström, M. , Olsson, T. & Shehata, A. (2014). Spaces for public orientation? : Longitudinal effects of internet use in adolescence. In The Networked Young Citizen : Social Media, Political Participation and Civic Engagement. Taylor & Francis. pp. 39-59.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2014). Mediatization of Politics : Towards a Theoretical Framework. In Mediatization of Politics : Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 3-28.
Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2014). Mediation of Political Realities : Media as Crucial Sources of Information. In Mediatization of Politics : Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 93-113.
Esser, F. & Strömbäck, J. (2014). A Paradigm in the Making : Lessons for the Future of Mediatization Research. In Mediatization of Politics : Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 223-242.
Strömbäck, J. (2014). Den paradoxala medieutvecklingen. In Medieutveckling 2014. Stockholm : Myndigheten för radio och tv. pp. 16-22.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2014). Mediatization of Politics : Transforming Democracies and Reshaping Politics. In Mediatization of Communication. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 375-403.
Svensson, E. , Kiousis, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2014). Creating a Win-Win Situation? : Relationship Cultivation and the Use of Social Media in the 2012 Campaign. In Presidential Campaigning and Social Media : An Analysis of the 2012 Campaign. New York : Oxford University Press. pp. 28-43.
Kiousis, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2014). Political Public Relations. In Political Communication. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 249-266.
Jalakas, A. & Wadbring, I. (2014). Ska man gråta om papperstidningen försvinner?. In Mittfåra och marginal. Göteborg : SOM-institutet. pp. 161-173.
Wadbring, I. & Ödmark, S. (2014). Delad glädje är dubbel glädje?. In Mittfåra och marginal. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (SOM-rapport).
Wadbring, I. (2014). Kommer vargen den här gången? : Om dagspressens utveckling och eventuella avveckling. In Thule : Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets årsbok. 2013. Umeå : Kungliga Skytteanska Samfundet (Thule).
Wadbring, I. (2014). Tryckta tidningars transformation. In Medie-Sverige 2014 : Statistik och analys. Göteborg : Nordicom.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2014). It Didn’t Happen Here : Commercialization and Political News Coverage in Swedish Television 1998-2010. In Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space : New Studies in an Emerging Field. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 192-209.
Kimmich-Javier, J. (2014). I framtiden kommer det inte att finnas några bildjournalister. In Årets Bild 2014 : Sveriges bästa pressbilder samlade i en bok. Stockholm : Pressfotografernas klubb. pp. 4-4.
Strömbäck, J. & Kiousis, S. (2014). Strategic Political Communication in Election Campaigns. In Political Communication. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 109-128.
Strömbäck, J. , Negrine, R. , Hopmann, D. N. , Maier, M. , Jalali, C. , Berganza, R. , Seeber, G. U. H. , Seceleanu, A. & et al. (2013). The Mediatization and Framing of European Parliamentary Election Campaigns. In Political Communication in European Parliamentary Elections. Farnham : Ashgate. pp. 161-174.
Falasca, K. & Nord, L. (2013). Structures, Strategies and Spin : Government Communication in Sweden. In Government Communication : Cases and Challenges. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 27-44.
Strömbäck, J. (2013). Utmaning : Att öka långsiktigheten. In Framtidsutmaningar : Det nya Sverige. Stockholm : 8tto. pp. 11-24.
Strömbäck, J. (2013). Varför alla dessa opinionsundersökningar? : En analys av mediernas användning av opinionsundersökningar.. In Räkna med nyheter : Journalisters (ibland obesvarade) förkärlek för siffror och statistik. Stockholm : Stiftelsen Institutet för Mediestudier. pp. 73-100.
Strömbäck, J. (2013). Utmaning : En allt hårdare global och digital konkurrens. In Framtiden börjar nu : Utbildning och forskning i ett framtidsperspektiv. En antologi för dialog om den svenska högskolan 2030.. Stockholm : SUHF. pp. 37-39.
Strömbäck, J. (2013). Den medialiserade valrörelsejournalistiken. In Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 119-149.
Strömbäck, J. (2013). Valrörelser som politisk kommunikation. In Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 9-31.
Strömbäck, J. & Shehata, A. (2013). Kampanjeffekter under svenska valrörelser. In Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 207-238.
Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2013). Medieeffekter under svenska valrörelser. In Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 239-269.
Strömbäck, J. & Jendel, L. (2013). Medierna och opinionsmätningarna. In Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 150-176.
Wadbring, I. (2013). Levels of Commercialization. In Media Structures and Media Performance. Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. pp. 119-134.
Wadbring, I. & Nygren, G. (2013). 13 år senare. In På väg mot medievärlden 2020. Lund : .
Wadbring, I. & Wilberg, E. (2013). Modeller för omvärldsanalys. In På väg mot medievärlden 2020. Lund : .
Wadbring, I. (2013). I snigeltakt eller raketfart : hur snabbt förändras journalistiken?. In På väg mot medievärlden 2020. Lund : .
Wadbring, I. (2013). Mätta morgontidningar. In Vägskäl. Göteborg : SOM-institutet. pp. 415-423.
Wadbring, I. (2013). Utmaning : Ett alltmer fragmenterat medielandskap?. In Framtidsutmaningar. Stockholm : 8tto.
Strömbäck, J. , Todal Jenssen, A. & Aalberg, T. (2012). The Financial Crisis as a Global News Event : Cross-National Media Coverage and Public Knowledge of Economic Affairs. In How Media Inform Democracy : A Comparative Approach. London : Routledge. pp. 159-175.
Aarts, K. , Fladmoe, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2012). Media, Political Trust, and Political Knowledge : A comparative perspective. In How Media Inform Democracy : A Comparative Approach. London : Routledge. pp. 98-118.
Bergström, A. & Wadbring, I. (2012). Producenter och konsumenter : om läsarna som medskapare av medieinnehåll på nätet. In I framtidens skugga. Göteborg : SOM-institutet.
Shehata, A. & Wadbring, I. (2012). Allt fler står utanför nyhetsvärlden. In I framtidens skugga. Göteborg : SOM-institutet.
Wadbring, I. (2012). Presstödet och tidningsläsningen. In I framtidens skugga. Göteborg : SOM-institutet.
Strömbäck, J. (2012). Journalistiken och politiken. In Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 263-289.
Wadbring, I. (2012). Medierna och den svårfångade publiken. In Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 291-316.
Shehata, A. (2012). Medierna och makten över publiken. In Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 317-344.
Esser, F. & Strömbäck, J. (2012). Comparing Election Campaign Communication. In The Handbook of Comparative Communication Research. New York : Routledge. pp. 289-307.
Esser, F. & Strömbäck, J. (2012). Comparing News on National Elections. In The Handbook of Comparative Communication Research. New York : Routledge. pp. 308-326.
Strömbäck, J. , Lees-Marshment, J. & Rudd, C. (2012). Political Party Market Orientation in a Global Perspective. In Routledge Handbook of Political Marketing. London : Routledge. pp. 79-92.
Holt, K. (2012). The Hour och det journalistiska äkthetsidealet. In Kulturaliseringens samhälle : Problemorienterad kulturvetenskaplig forskning vid Tema Q 2002–2012. Linköping : Liu-Tryck (Skriftserie Tema Kultur och Samhälle). pp. 172-176.
Strömbäck, J. (2012). Published Opinion Polls, Strategic Party Behavior and News Management. In Opinion Polls and the Media : Reflecting and Shaping Public Opinion. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 246-266.
Strömbäck, J. (2012). The Media and Their Use of Opinion Polls : Reflecting and Shaping Public Opinion. In Opinion Polls and the Media : Reflecting and Shaping Public Opinion. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-22.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2012). Demokrati, medier och journalistik. In Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 9-45.
Nord, L. , Enli, G. & Stúr, E. (2012). Pundits and Political Scandals : A Study of Political Commentators in Norway and Sweden. In Scandalous! : The Mediated Construction of Political Scandals in Four Nordic Countries. Nordicom. pp. 87-102.
Strömbäck, J. , Nord, L. & Shehata, A. (2012). Swedish Journalists : Between Professionalization and Commercialization. In The Global Journalist in the 21st Century. New York : Routledge. pp. 306-319.
Holt, K. (2011). Participatory culture and the church : Contrasting communicative ideals?. In Religion and new media in the age of convergence : Reading materials on media and religion for students. Moscow : Faculty of Journalism Lomonosov Moscow State University (Media and Religion volume). pp. 57-64.
Johansson, C. (2011). Kommunikation vid organisationsförändringar. In Strategisk kommunikation : Forskning och praktik. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 257-282.
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Strömbäck, J. , Maier, M. & Kaid, L. L. (2011). Political Communication and Election Campaigns for the European Parliament. In Political Communication in European Parliamentary Elections. Farnham : Ashgate. pp. 3-16.
Strömbäck, J. (2011). Forskningsfält och strategier i samband med politiska kampanjer. In Strategisk kommunikation : Teori och praktik. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 67-87.
Strömbäck, J. , Painter, D. L. & Fernandes, J. (2011). International Media’s Love Affair with Barack Obama : Anti-Americanism and the Global Coverage of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign. In Communication in the 2008 U.S. Election : Digital Natives Elect a President. New York : Peter Lang Publishing Group (Frontiers in Political Communication). pp. 275-294.
Strömbäck, J. (2011). Mediatization of Politics : Toward a Conceptual Framework for Comparative Research. In The Sourcebook for Political Communication Research : Methods, Measures, and Analytical Techniques. New York : Taylor & Francis. pp. 367-382.
Wadbring, I. & Hedman, U. (2011). Ökad polarisering i morgontidningsläsningen. In Lycksalighetens ö. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (Bokserien / SOM-institutet).
Painter, D. , Al Nashmi, E. , Strömbäck, J. , Fernandes, J. , Xiang, Z. & Kim, J. Y. (2011). International Coverage of the U.S. Presidential Campaign : Obamamania Around the World. In Techno Politics in Presidential Campaigning : New Voices, New Technologies, and New Voters. New York : Routledge. pp. 213-233.
Bergström, A. & Wadbring, I. (2011). Nyheter i våra hjärtan. In Lycksalighetens ö. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (Bokserien / SOM-institutet).
Strömbäck, J. & Kiousis, S. (2011). Political Public Relations : Defining and Mapping an Emergent Field. In Political Public Relations : Principles and Applications. New York : Routledge. pp. 1-32.
Strömbäck, J. & Kiousis, S. (2011). POLITICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS Principles and Applications : Preface. In POLITICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS Principles and Applications. London : Routledge. pp. VII-IX.
Kiousis, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2011). Political Public Relations Research in the Future. In Political Public Relations : Principles and Applications. New York : Routledge. pp. 314-323.
Strömbäck, J. (2010). Democracy and the Media : A Social Contract Dissolved?. In Freedom of the Press : On Censorship, Self-Censorship, and Press Ethics. Berlin : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 173-191.
Strömbäck, J. (2010). TV-landskapets revolution. In Älskade, hatade : 14 röster om TV. Stockholm : TV4-Gruppen. pp. 13-25.
Nord, L. & Grusell, M. (2010). Vår hatkärlek till tv-reklam. In Älskade, hatade : 14 röster om TV. Stockholm : TV4-Gruppen. pp. 55-68.
Nord, L. & Stúr, E. (2010). När kärnavfall blev politik : En studie av debatten kring valet 1976. In Samhällsforskning 2010 : Betydelsen för människorna, hembygden och regionen av ett slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering. pp. 20-49.
Maier, M. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). Advantages and Limitations of Comparing Audience Responses to Televised Debates : A Comparative Study of Germany and Sweden. In Real-Time Response Measurement in the Social Sciences. Frankfurt : Peter Lang Publishing Group. pp. 97-116.
Stúr, E. (2009). Nyhetskommentatorer, spionskandaler och nyhetsdramer. In Väljarna, partierna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 196-222.
Lees-Marshment, J. , Rudd, C. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). Global Political Marketing : Analysis and Conclusions. In Global Political Marketing. London : Routledge. pp. 278-297.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Political market-orientation in a multi-party system : the Swedish case. In Global Political Marketing. London : Routledge. pp. 52-64.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). A framework for comparing political market-orientation. In Global Political Marketing. London : Routledge. pp. 16-33.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Professionaliseringen av svenska valkampanjer : Myt eller verklighet?. In Väljarna, partierna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 63-88.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Den dynamiska valrörelsen : kampanjeffekter under valrörelsen 2006. In Väljarna, partierna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 225-256.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Persson mot Reinfeldt : om effekterna av tv-debatter. In Väljarna, partierna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 289-323.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Den medialiserade valbevakningen. In Väljarna, partierna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 127-167.
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Att studera valrörelser. In Partierna, väljarna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. pp. 9-28.
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2009). Shaping Politics : Mediatization and Media Interventionism. In Mediatization : Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York : Peter Lang Publishing Group. pp. 205-223.
Johansson, C. (2009). On Goffman: Researching relations with Erving Goffman as pathfinder. In Public relations and social theory : Key figures and concepts. London : Routledge. pp. 119-140.
Nord, L. & Stúr, E. (2009). Från folkomröstning till slutförvaring : En studie av kärnavfallsdebattens arenor, aktörer och agendor. In Samhällsforskning 2008 : Betydelsen för människorna, hembygden och regionen av ett slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle. Stockholm : Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB (Samhällsforskning). pp. 53-70.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). When a Natural Disaster Becomes a Political Crisis. A Study of the 2004 Tsunami and Swedish Political Communication. In After the Tsunami - Crisis Communication in Finland and Sweden / ed. lars Nord and Ullamaija Kivikuru. Göteborg : Nordicom.
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Strömbäck, J. (2008). Press and politics. In Encyclopedia of Political Communication : Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications. pp. 639-642.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). Mellan fri television och statstelevision : om nyhetsjournalistiken i public service. In Varför public service? : alla pratar om det, få vet vad det är. Stockholm : Timbro. pp. 65-80.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). Vem sätter den politiska dagordningen?. In Mellan folkhem och Europa : Svensk politik i brytningstid. Malmö : Liber. pp. 89-109.
Kaid, L. L. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Election News Coverage Around the World : A Comparative Perspective. In The Handbook of Election News Coverage Around the World. New York : Routledge. pp. 421-432.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). Swedish Election News Coverage : Towards Increasing Mediatization. In The Handbook of Election News Coverage Around the World. New York : Routledge. pp. 160-174.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). A Framework for Comparing Election News Coverage Around the World. In The Handbook of Election News Coverage Around the World. New York : Routledge. pp. 1-18.
Strömbäck, J. , Ørsten, M. & Aalberg, T. (2008). Political Communication in the Nordic Countries : An Introduction. In Communicating Politics : Political Communication in the Nordic Countries. Göteborg : Nordicom. pp. 11-24.
Ørsten, M. , Aalberg, T. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Conclusions. Similarities and Differences Between the Nordic Countries. In Communicating Politics : Political Communication in the Nordic Countries. Göteborg : Nordicom. pp. 267-272.
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Strömbäck, J. (2008). Mobilization, Crystallization and Voting Intention Change : Campaign Effects During the 2006 Swedish Election Campaign. In Public Opinion Research Focus. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. pp. 37-59.
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Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. W. (2008). Media and Politics in Sweden. In Communicating Politics : Political Communication in the Nordic Countries. Göteborg : Nordicom. pp. 103-121.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2008). Still a Second-Order Election: Comparing Swedish Media Coverage of the 2004 European Parliamentary Election and the 2002 National Election. In The EU expansion : Communicating Shared Sovereignty in the Parliamentary Elections. New York : Peter Lang Publishing Group (Frontiers in political communication). pp. 137-152.
Karlsson, M. (2007). Interaktiv journalistik - en realitet?. In Journalistik, nätet och maktens ordningar. Stockholm : Stiftelsen Institutet för mediestudier. pp. 91-.
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Strömbäck, J. & Johansson, B. (2006). Valens mobiliserande kraft. In Du stora nya värld : trettiofyra kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle. Göteborg : SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet (SOM-rapport). pp. 485-.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2006). Game is the name of the Frame : European Parliamentary Elections in Swedish Media. In Campaigning in Europe - campaigning for Europe / Michaela Maier, Jens Tenscher (eds). Berlin : LIT Verlag. pp. 191-206.
Holt, K. (2005). Det sovjetiska alternativet i Ivar Harries Moskva/Köpenhamn. In Frigörare : Moderna svenska samhällsdrömmar. Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag.
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Strömbäck, J. (2004). Valjournalistiken och demokratin. In Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 439-.
Strömbäck, J. (2004). Den omöjliga förlusten. In Kampen om euron. Göteborg : Göteborgs Universitet (Valundersökningar). pp. 201-221.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2004). Journalistik, medier och demokrati. In Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 11-46.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2004). Ett rungande nej - men till vad?. In Ju mer vi är tillsammans : tjugosju kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle : SOM-undersökningen 2003. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (SOM-rapport). pp. 143-155.
Strömbäck, J. & Johansson, B. (2003). Mångfald men likriktning : mediekonsumtion och medborgarnas dagordningar 1986-2001. In Demokratitrender. Göteborg : SOM-institutet (SOM-rapport). pp. 67-88.
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Strömbäck, J. (2002). Demokrati och opinioner : två sidor av samma sak?. In Medierna och opinionsmätningarna. (DMI skrift). pp. 10-17.
Stúr, E. (2002). En kall vår. In Den personliga politiken. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Mitt i opinionen).
Strömbäck, J. (2002). Myter om partiledarnas betydelse. In Den personliga politiken. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Mitt i opinionen). pp. 40-55.
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Strömbäck, J. (2001). Samarbetsdemokrati eller majoritetsdemokrati?. In Demokratins konflikter. (Mitt i opinionen). pp. 28-43.
Strömbäck, J. (2001). I skuggornas värld : Om demokrati och journalistik i andrahandsinformationssamhället. In En uthållig demokrati? : Sju debattinlägg om demokratiutredningen och demokratins framtid. Uppsala : Uppsala Publishing House. pp. 65-97.
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Strömbäck, J. (2000). Mediekonsumtion och politisk misstro. In Nygamla opinioner. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Mitt i opinionen). pp. 52-67.
Strömbäck, J. (2000). Vad innebär public journalism?. In Public journalism på svenska. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (DMI-skrift). pp. 4-9.
Strömbäck, J. (2000). Synen på medierna och deras uppgifter. In Nygamla opinioner. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Mitt i opinionen). pp. 94-112.
Collections (editor)
Ottestig, A. T. (ed.) & Asklund, H. (ed.) (2024). Mata inte studenten : En handbok av lärare för lärare. Malmö : Liber
Asklund, H. (ed.) , Engholm, V. (ed.) & Reberg, M. (ed.) (2023). MIUN Research Exhibition : Utställningsproduktion i universitetsbibliotekets fysiska och webbaserade rum. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek 3).
Wadbring, I. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2023). Snabbtänkt och eftertänkt : En vänbok till Lars Nord. Sundsvall : Demicom, Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 53).
Johansson, C. (ed.) , Nilsson, H. (ed.) , Öhman, P. (ed.) , Jonsson, B. (ed.) , Engberg, B. A. (ed.) , Englund, O. (ed.) , Simonsson, P. (ed.) & Axbrink, I. (ed.) (2022). Skogens värden : forskares reflektioner. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Bolin, N. (ed.) , Falasca, K. (ed.) , Grusell, M. (ed.) & Nord, L. (ed.) (2022). Snabbtänkt 2.0 22 : Reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 51).
Bolin, N. (ed.) , Falasca, K. (ed.) , Grusell, M. (ed.) & Nord, L. (ed.) (2020). Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från det amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, DEMICOM (DEMICOM rapport 43).
Bolin, N. (ed.) , Falasca, K. (ed.) , Grusell, M. (ed.) & Nord, L. (ed.) (2019). Euroflections : Leading academics on the European Elections 2019. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, Demicom (DEMICOM rapport 40).
Wadbring, I. (ed.) & Nygren, G. (ed.) (2019). På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Nord, L. (ed.) , Grusell, M. (ed.) , Bolin, N. (ed.) & Falasca, K. (ed.) (2018). Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, DEMICOM (DEMICOM rapport 38).
Dalquist, U. (ed.) & Wadbring, I. (ed.) (2017). Marknadsmässig kurragömmalek? : Barn, unga och dold reklam. Göteborg : Nordicom
Wadbring, I. (ed.) & Pekkala, L. (ed.) (2017). Citizens in Mediated World : A Nordic-Baltic Perspective on Media and Information Literacy. Göteborg : Nordicom
Jarlbrink, J. (ed.) & Wadbring, I. (ed.) (2016). Distansläsning och nätverksanalys : Digitala metoder för gamla och nya medier. Göteborg : Nordicom (Nordicom-Information 38(3)).
Jaakkola, M. (ed.) , Mølster, R. (ed.) & Wadbring, I. (ed.) (2016). Digitalt berättande. Göteborg : Nordicom (Nordicom-Information 38(2)).
Wadbring, I. (ed.) & Mølster, R. (ed.) (2016). Journalistikens ekonomiska utmaningar. Göteborg : Nordicom (Nordicom-Information ).
Karlsson, M. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2015). Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Hyvönen, M. (ed.) , Snickars, P. (ed.) & Vesterlund, P. (ed.) (2015). Massmedieproblem : Mediestudiets formering. Lund : Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet (Mediehistoriskt arkiv 30).
Wadbring, I. (ed.) & Mølster, R. (ed.) (2015). Hets och hat online : Hur journalistiken och yttrandefriheten utmanas i Norden. Göteborg : Nordicom (Nordicom-Information 37(3-4)).
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Esser, F. (ed.) (2015). Making Sense of Mediatized Politics : Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London : Routledge
Esser, F. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2014). Mediatization of Politics : Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Esser, F. (ed.) (2014). Mediatization of Politics : Facets of Media Logic. Routledge (Journalism Practice 8(3)).
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2013). Framtidsutmaningar : Det nya Sverige. Stockholm : 8tto
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Nord, L. (ed.) (2013). Kampen om opinionen : Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. Stockholm : SNS förlag
Wadbring, I. (ed.) & Nygren, G. (ed.) (2013). På väg mot medievärlden 2020 : Journalistik, teknik, marknad. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Kiousis, S. (ed.) (2013). Political Public Relations. Public Relations Society of America (Public Relations Journal 7(4)).
Holtz-Bacha, C. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2012). Opinion Polls and the Media : Reflecting and Shaping Public Opinion. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan
Nord, L. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2012). Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Kiousis, S. (ed.) (2011). Political Public Relations : Principles and Applications. New York : Routledge
Maier, M. (ed.) , Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Kaid, L. L. (ed.) (2011). Political Communicaiton in European Parliamentary Elections. Ashgate
Lees-Marshment, J. (ed.) , Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Rudd, C. (ed.) (2009). Global Political Marketing. London : Routledge
Nord, L. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2009). Väljarna, partierna och medierna : En studie av politisk kommunikation i valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) & Kaid, L. L. (ed.) (2008). Handbook of Election News Coverage Around the World. New York : Routledge
Johansson, C. (ed.) & Heide, M. (ed.) (2008). Kommunikation i förändringsprocesser. Malmö : Liber
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) , Ørsten, M. (ed.) & Aalberg, T. (ed.) (2008). Communicating Politics : Political Communication in the Nordic Countries. Göteborg : Nordicom
Alström, B. (ed.) , Cepaite, A. (ed.) & Hedman, L. (ed.) (2004). Nyheter 2020 - rapport 3 : företagsstrategier,reklamutveckling och konsumenternas livsstilar. Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2004:30). (FSCN-rapport R-04-57).
Nord, L. (ed.) & Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2004). Medierna och demokratin. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Alström, B. (ed.) & Hedman, L. (ed.) (2002). Nyheter 2020 - rapport 2 : dagens medieföretag - morgondagens affärsidé. Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2002:16). (FSCN-rapport R-02-41).
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2002). Medierna och opinionsmätningarna. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2001). En uthållig demokrati : Sju debattinlägg om demokratiutredningen och demokratins framtid. Uppsala : Uppsala Publishing House
Strömbäck, J. (ed.) (2000). Public journalism på svenska. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet
Conference papers
Warne, M. , Pettersson, K. , Lundgren, L. & Lif, U. (2024). Supported Education som pedagogiskt stöd när studenters psykiska ohälsa ökar. Paper presented at the NU2024, Umeå universitet, 17-19 juni, 2024
Asklund, H. , Ottestig, A. T. , Göransson, K. , Longueville, A. & Öberg, E. (2024). Hur meriterade lärare kan samverka för kollegial pedagogisk utveckling : Exemplet Mata inte studenten. Paper presented at the NU2024, Umeå universitet, 17-19 juni, 2024
Reberg, M. (2023). The University Library Exhibition as Research Communication : Reflections on the Design of Visual Representations of Statistics and Differing Disciplinary Time Perspectives. Paper presented at the The 15th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Heraklion, Greece, 30 May - 3 June 2023
Wadbring, I. (2023). Mittmedia as a Fast and Furious Outlier : Stories about the Necessity of Rapid Digitalization. Paper presented at the Nordmedia Conference 2023, Bergen, Norway, 16–18 August, 2023
Risberg, A. & Hamrin, S. (2023). Immigrant job integration : A study of the lived experiences of skilled immigrants pursuing a career in Swedish work organizations. Paper presented at the NEON Network, Trondheim, Norway, 21-23 November 2023
Johansson, C. (2023). The Power of Negative Words : reflections of change in a Swedish media organization. Paper presented at the NordMedia 2023, Bergen, Norway, 16–18 August, 2023
Bader, S. , Grandien, C. & Jaldemark, J. (2022). A tentative model for sustainable pedagogical digital competence development : Exploring networked learning in an educational development project. In Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2022. Aalborg : . pp. 1--7.
Lilja, J. & Johansson, C. (2022). Creating Space for Emergence of Collective Learning and Action for Sustainable Development : Action research at Mid Sweden University. In Proceedings of the the OLKC conference 2022.
Mikkola, L. , Johansson, C. , Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. & Rajamäki, S. (2022). Being a newcomer : Facing dialectical tensions and relational contradictions in the first workplace after graduation. Paper presented at the 72nd ICA Conference - International Communication Association, Paris, France, 26-30 May, 2022
Reberg, M. & von Essen, M. (2021). Supporting exhibition design with digital tools in an academic library setting during the Covid-19 pandemic. In ICERI2021 Proceedings.. pp. 1172--1179.
Johansson, C. & Jämtelid, K. (2021). Collaborating on crisis communication to manage the COVID‐19 crisis. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 1475-
Johansson, C. (2021). Crisis Communication Leadership for sustainable organizing. In Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . pp. 1476-
Falasca, K. & Nounkeu Tatchou, C. (2020). European Parliament election 2019, one of the world’s largest democratic elections, and the threat of fake news : How does legacy media deal with it?. Paper presented at the ECREA-the 8th European Communication Conference to be held in Braga, Portugal, October 2-5, 2020.
Falasca, K. (2019). Changes in election campaign strategies. Paper presented at the The International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR 2019, July 7-11, Madrid, Spain
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Johansson, C. , Hamrin, S. & Bergman, S. (2019). Communicative Leadership development conduction to impact on Quality culture and co-worker health. In 22nd QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2019, 13-15 October : Leadership and strategies for Sustainable Quality and Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Lund :
Nord, L. & Falasca, K. (2019). Just in time : Comparing party professionalization in different EU campaign contexts in Sweden 2009-2019. Paper presented at the 2019 European Elections: Banalization or creativity of political communication?, Nice, France, 1-2 July, 2019
Wadbring, I. (2019). Low news interest or low willingness to pay? Youth and online news. Paper presented at the Behind the Paywall. A Cross-Thematic Conference on the Implications of the Budding Market for Paid Online News, Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2019
Hamrin, S. (2019). Communicative leadership and inclusion in workplaces : Leading ethnically diverse groups. Paper presented at the American National Communication Association Conference, 14-17 November 2019
Reberg, M. (2019). Exploring the possibilities with shared spreadsheets in gathering and analyzing information on the usage of study rooms in a university library. Paper presented at the The 11th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Florence, Italy, May 28-31 2019.
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. (2018). Leading the way for immigrant workers’ inclusion in the elderly care : A communication perspective. Paper presented at the Biennial Gender, Work & Organisation Conference, Sydney, June 13-16, 2018
Falasca, K. (2018). Political news coverage : A longitudinal perspective of mediatization of politics. Paper presented at the ECREA, 7th European Communication Conference. Lugano, Switzerland, October 31-November 3, 2018.
Johansson, C. (2018). Managing chaos through crisis communication leadership. Paper presented at the 104th Annual Convention, National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, USA, November 8-11, 2018.
Wadbring, I. (2018). News avoiders : Do they exist or not?. Paper presented at the ECREA, 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018.
Falasca, K. & Helgesson, E. (2018). Revolving around the role of public affairs in the political process. Paper presented at the The International Communication Association's 87th Annual Conference, 2018 Post Conference, Lobbying and Democracy: The Voice of Communication. Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 May 2018.
Johansson, C. (2018). Crisis leadership as a communicative process : The challenge of managing crises through communication with stakeholders. Paper presented at the SRA-E 2018: Risk & Uncertainty – From Critical Thinking to Practical Impact. Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden, 18–20 June 2018
Cepaite Nilson, A. , Stúr, E. & Jangdal, L. (2018). Survival of the fittest : The do’s and don’ts of hyperlocals. Paper presented at the Ecrea 2018, "Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation", Track: Local News: Covering and binding communities, Lugano, Schweiz, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2018
Hyvönen, M. , Lindblom, T. & Harvard, J. (2018). Drone reporting and the journalistic culture of objectivity : The symbolic properties of a view from above. Paper presented at the ECREA 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018
Reberg, M. & Sjöqvist, M. (2018). How technological and social imperatives influence the implementation of a so-called knowledge management system in a learning support services organization. In EDULEARN18 Proceedings : 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. (EDULEARN Proceedings). pp. 4316--4320.
Falasca, K. , Dymek, M. & Grandien, C. (2017). Exploring Digital Political Labour : political public relations and the exploitation of social media engagement. Paper presented at the The International Communication Association's 67th Annual Conference, Interventions: Communication Research and Practice. San Diego, USA, 25-29 May 2017
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. (2017). Leadership and integration of immigrant workers in elderly in Sweden : Initiating a discussion from a communication perspective. Paper presented at the 24th Nordic Intercultural Communication conference, 23-25 November, 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. & Lundgren, L. (2017). Strategic Communication : A Concept as an Instrument of Change. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 2017, CONGRESS LONDON, 12-14 October, 2017
Strömbäck, J. , Falasca, K. & Kruikemeier, S. (2017). A Healthy News Diet? Investigating the Effects of Individual News Diets on Political Participation Offline and Online. Paper presented at the The International Communication Association's 67th Annual Conference, Interventions: Communication Research and Practice. San Diego, USA 25-29 May 2017
Falasca, K. (2017). Strategic Political Communication in Social Media. Paper presented at the IAMCR- International Association for Media and Communication Research. “Transforming Culture, Politics & Communication: New media, new territories, new discourses”. 2017, Cartagena, Colombia.
Johansson, C. (2017). Communicating for results – with mixed results. A multi-method study of leader training. Paper presented at the EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies, 33rd EGOS Colloquium, 7-8 July 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
Cepaite Nilsson, A. , Stúr, E. & Jangdal, L. (2017). Filling a gap of information : Case of Convergence in municipalities when local media entrepreneurs take over communicating local news. Paper presented at the Euprera 2017, London, UK, "Public Relations and the Power of Creativity strategic opportunities, innovation and critical challenges", Track 4: Media Convergence, Boundary-Drawing and World-Making, Oct. 12-14, 2017
Karlsson, M. , Ingela, W. & Ödmark, S. (2017). Towards Politicized Tabloid News Online? : A Methodological Assessment of the Spreading of Online News. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 2017
Reinemann, C. , Aalberg, T. , Esser, F. , Strömbäck, J. & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). Theorizing Populist Political Communication : Towards a Model of its Causes, Forms, and Effects. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Pre-Conference "Populism in, by, and against the Media", Fukuoka, Japan, June 9, 2016
Skovsgaard, M. , Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2016). Opportunity Structures for Selective Exposure : Investigating Selective Exposure and Learning in Swedish Election Campaigns. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 June 2016
Stanyer, J. , Salgado, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2016). Populist Political Actors and Populist Political Communication. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Pre-Conference "Populism in, by, and against the Media", Fukuoka, Japan, June 9, 2016
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. (2016). Leaders and followers - a longitudinal study of inter-party relations in election campaigning.. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 66th Annual Conference, Communication through Power, Fukuoka, Japan - 9-13 June 2016.
Falasca, K. (2016). Minimal or just difficult to measure? A panel study of agenda-setting effects at the individual level.. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 66th Annual Conference, Communication through Power, Fukuoka, Japan - 9-13 June 2016.
Rinke, E. M. , Moy, P. & Strömbäck, J. (2016). Political Information for Closed Minds : Effects of the Need for Cognitive Closure on Political Interest and News consumption. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 June, 2016
Esser, F. & Strömbäck, J. (2016). Changing Media Technologies, Changing News Media Logic : Understanding the Changing Dynamics of the Mediatization of Politics. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 June 2016
Strömbäck, J. (2016). Political Participation in a New Media Environment : Investigating the Effects of Traditional and Social Media Use on Political Participation in Sweden. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 June 2016
Strömbäck, J. (2016). News-Seekers, News-Avoiders, and the Mobilizing Effects of Election Campaigns.. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 June 2016
Hamrin, S. (2016). Leading Cultural Diversity in the Elderly Care in Sundsvall. Paper presented at the Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development Conference(VEC), Mid Sweden University, Östersund, 11-14 September, 2016
Hamrin, S. (2016). Leadership constructions on Swedish workplaces with cultural diversity : Rethinking leadership considering the resilience of cultural identities. In International Studying Leadership Conference, University of Edinburgh, 11-13 December 2016.
Stur, E. (2016). Commentaries as a journalistic genre - Storytellers framing narratives in the swedish election in 2014. In ECREA 2016 Abstract book.
Cepaite-Nilsson, A. & Stur, E. (2016). The praxis of Participatory Action Research in Studies of Hyper Local Media. In ECREA 2016 Abstract Book.
Wadbring, I. (2016). A Challenged Challenger : The Battle Between Free Dailies and Smartphones. Paper presented at the Free Daily Press in Europe 1995–2015, University of Lorraine, Metz, March 15 & 16, 2016.
Johansson, C. & Grandien, C. (2016). Communication for sustainable organizing. Paper presented at the VEC Conference and the 10th Annual UCCN Meeting, Mid Sweden University, 12-14 September, 2016, Östersund
Johansson, C. & Putnam, L. L. (2016). Tensions and Contradictions in Organizational Change : Managers’ Discursive Enactment of Control and Resistance. Paper presented at the 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference, “Communicating with Power” Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 June 2016
Stur, E. , Cepaite-Nilsson, A. & Jangdal, L. (2016). Local News in a Changing Media Environment : Impact of Hyper-Local News - Case of Swedish Local Media. In ECREA 2016 Abstract Book.
Reberg, M. (2016). The E-campus-project – the transformation of a student administrative tool into a personal learning environment. In Re-imagining Learning Environments : Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2016 Annual Conference.. pp. 726--730.
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Learning Political News From Television : Comparing Knowledge Effects of Watching Public Service and Commercial TV News. Paper presented at the 2015 ECREA Political Communication Conference
Falasca, K. (2015). Non-significant or difficult to measure? A panel study of agenda-setting effects in the contemporary media environment. Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association, ECREA, Political communication Conference. 27-28 August 2015 in Odense, Denmark at the Centre for Journalism, Dept. of Political Science, University of Southern Denmark
Ortiz, J. , Hamrin, S. , Aggio, C. & Dalmonte, E. (2015). Television experience and political discussion on Twitter : Exploring online conversations during the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections. In Users Across Media - Conference Proceedings .
Wadbring, I. & Ödmark, S. (2015). From Kittens to Racism : News Sharing and Shared News in Social Media. Paper presented at the The 22nd Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Copenhagen, August 13-15, 2015
Wadbring, I. , Shehata, A. & Hopmann, D. N. (2015). A Longitudinal Analysis of News-Avoidance Over Three Decades : From Public Service Monopoly to Smartphones. Paper presented at the The 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, Puerto Rico 21-25 May, 2015
Johansson, C. (2015). Who is responsible for leadership communication? : Co-constructing simplistic notions of leaders and followers. Paper presented at the ICA Regional Conference, Responsible Communication and Governance, 11-13 October, 2015, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Johansson, C. & Bäck, E. (2015). Discursive Leadership Strategies in a Crisis Communication Network. Paper presented at the EUPRERA Annual Conference, October 1-3, 2015, Oslo, Norway
Johansson, C. (2015). Crisis communication – Perspectives, outcomes and challenges. Paper presented at the Crisis4. Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, 7-9 October, 2015.
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. (2015). Where you lead we will follow : A longitudinal study of strategic political communication in election campaigning. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 65th Annual Conference, Communication Across the Life Span, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May 2015
Wadbring, I. & Nilsson, M. (2014). A question of newspaper visuality : Photojournalism in a Swedish newspaper, 1995-2015. In Proceedings Helsinki Photomedia 2014.
Hopmann, D. N. , Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2014). Revisiting the Contagious Cynicism Hypothesis : How Game-Framed News and Perceptions of Bias Influence Media Trust. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Seattle,22-26 maj 2014
Strömbäck, J. & Esser, F. (2014). Mediatization of Politics : Towards a Theoretical Framework. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Seattle, 22-26 May 2014.
Falasca, K. (2014). Political news journalism : Media interventionism across three news reporting contexts. Paper presented at the ICA, International Communication Association's 64th Annual Conference.
Falasca, K. & Nord, L. (2014). Challenges for Government communication in Sweden. Paper presented at the ICA, International Communication Association's 64th Annual Conference. 22-26 May 2014, Seattle
Wadbring, I. (2014). Gendered Photojournalism? : A Gender Analysis from a Tabloidization Perspective. Paper presented at the The European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference in Lisboa, November 2014
Wadbring, I. & Bergström, A. (2014). A print crisis or a local crisis? Local news use over 27 years. Paper presented at the Local journalism around the world: professional practices, economic foundations, and political implications in Oxford, UK, February 2014.
Strömbäck, J. & Dahlberg, S. (2014). Research on Populist Political Communication in Sweden : A Literature Review. Paper presented at the Management Committee of COST-Project "Populist Political Communication in Europe: Comprehending the Challenge of Mediated Political Populism for Democratic Politics
Strömbäck, J. , Djerf-Pierre, M. & Shehata, A. (2014). The Changing Dynamics of News Media Consumption and Political Distrust : A Longitudinal Analysis. Paper presented at the ECREA 2014 5th European Communication Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 12-15 November 2014
Stúr, E. & Cepaite-Nilsson, A. (2014). Future of Local News - Strategies and Conditions for Local News. Paper presented at the 5th European Communication Conference Ecrea - Lisabon, 12-15 November 2014
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2014). Enhancing public resilience : A community approach. In Proceedings of the International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2014 : Extended abstracts. Davos : . pp. 541--544.
Hamrin, S. (2014). Exploring Contexts in Organizational Members' Discourse of Communicative Leadership. In Exploring Contexts in Organizational Members' Discourse of Communicative Leadership.
Shehata, A. , Hopmann, D. N. & Nord, L. (2013). Public Broadcasting, Inadvertent News Exposure and Political Learning : An Empirical Test Using Panel Data. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 63rd Conference, London
Aalberg, T. , de Vreese, C. H. & Strömbäck, J. (2013). Strategy and Game Framing in European News. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, London, 17-21 Juni, 2013.
Salgado, S. , Strömbäck, J. & Aalberg, T. (2013). Journalistic Interpretations in European Political News. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, London, 17-21 juni, 2013.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Johansson, C. (2013). Health Related Quality Management values and Key principles of Communicative Leadership - are they the same?. In 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS,4-6 September 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia : From LearnAbility and InnovAbility to SustainAbility.. pp. 164--177.
Salgado, S. , Strömbäck, J. , Aalberg, T. & Esser, F. (2013). Interpretive News. Paper presented at the ECREA Political Communication Conference
Wadbring, I. & Andersson, U. (2013). Public Interest or Self-Interest? : How Professional Journalism Attracts Future Journalists. In Proceedings Future of Journalism.
Falasca, K. & Shehata, A. (2013). Priming Effects During the Financial Crisis : Accessibility and applicability mechanisms behind government approval. Paper presented at the ICA - International Communication Association Annual conference Challenging Communication Research, London, UK - 17-21 June 2013
Hamrin, S. (2013). Communicative Leadership in Cultural Contexts : Leaders and Co-workers’ Discursive Constructions in a Swedish Multinational Organization. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference
Hamrin, S. & Johansson, C. (2013). Communicative Leadership : A Co-constructed Concept in Two Swedish Business Organizations. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference
Johansson, C. , Hamrin, S. & Jahn, J. L. (2013). Communicative leadership : Leaders and members reflecting on leadership and communication. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 63rd Annual Conference, June 17-21, 2013, London, Great Britain.
Johansson, C. (2013). Discursive constructions of crisis and normality during the 2008 financial crisis. Paper presented at the Nordmedia Conference, Oslo and Aakershus University College, Norway, 8-11 August, 2013.
Falasca, K. (2013). Framing the Financial Crisis : An unexpected interaction between the government and the press. Paper presented at the ICA - International Communication Association Annual conference Challenging Communication Research, London, UK 17-21 June 2013
Stúr, E. (2013). The Role of Political Commentators in a Changed Media Environment. In Ecrea Milano 2013 - Political Communication Section : New Trends in Political Communication.
Falasca, K. (2012). Framing the financial crisis : An analysis of political actors and journalists influence over news media content and the frame building process. Paper presented at the IAMCR-International Association for Media and Communication Research
Miller, V. D. , Johansson, C. & Hamrin, S. (2012). Investigating Kommunikativt ledarskap : A preliminary theoretical and empirical construct explication. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 98th Annual Convention, 15-18 November 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. & Hamrin, S. (2012). Conceptualizing communicative leadership : A tentative theoretical framework. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 98th Annual Convention, 15-18 November 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
Johansson, C. & Hamrin, S. (2012). What is a "communicative" leader? : Leaders and their employees making sense of leadership and communication. Paper presented at the ECREA 2012, the 4th European Communication Conference, 24-27 October, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Shehata, A. (2012). Learning From Television : A Panel Study of Knowledge Gaps During the 2010 Swedish Election Campaign. Paper presented at the International Communication Association’s annual conference, Phoenix 2012
Holt, K. (2012). New Media, New Participants – New Ethics? : Is there a chance for ethics in a world of prosumers?. Paper presented at the South - North Conversations. IAMCR annual conference, Durban South Africa
Holt, K. , Shehata, A. , Strömbäck, J. & Ljungberg, E. (2012). Social Media as Leveller?: Effects of Traditional News Media Attention and Social Media Use on Political Participation Among Younger and Older Citizens. Paper presented at the South - North Conversations. IAMCR annual conference, Durban, South Africa
Wadbring, I. & Bergström, A. (2012). Media habits—a Matter of Age or Generation? : A 25 years perspective of use of television, newspapers and the Internet. Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference in Istanbul, Turkey October 2012
Bergström, A. & Wadbring, I. (2012). Journalists and Audiences as Obstacles and Opportunities for Reader Comments. Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference in Istanbul, Turkey October 2012
Strömbäck, J. & Shehata, A. (2012). A New Era of Minimal Effects? : A Study of Individual and Societal Agenda-Setting. Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Shehata, A. , Hopmann, D. N. & Nord, L. (2012). The Influence of Television News on Political Learning: How European Public Service Broadcasting Still Captures Inadvertent Audiences. Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference, Istanbul 2012.
Shehata, A. & Nord, L. (2012). What is Public Good in Public Television? : A Cross-National Analysis of Public Broadcasting Characteristics and Television News Consumption in 16 European Countries. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Antwerp 2012.
Holt, K. , Shehata, A. , Strömbäck, J. , Ljungberg, E. & Nord, L. (2012). Political Motivation and Participation : Social Media as Leveler?. Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Shehata, A. & Nicolas Hopmann, D. (2011). A Changing (Political) Climate? : A Comparative Study of News Coverage of Global Warming in Swedish and U.S. Press. In 61st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Boston, May 26-30, 2011..
Shehata, A. (2011). Minding the Gap : A Comparative Study of News Media Use and Political Participation in Europe. In 61st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Boston, May 26-30, 2011..
Jalakas, A. & Wadbring, I. (2011). Research About Magazines: Is There Anybody Out There?. Paper presented at the NordMedia 2011 in Akureyri, Iceland
Strömbäck, J. , Djerf-Pierre, M. & Shehata, A. (2011). The Dynamics of Political Interest and News Media Consumption : A Longitudinal Perspective. Paper presented at the Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space
Strömbäck, J. , Karlsson, M. & Hopmann, D. N. (2011). Determinants of News Content : Comparing Journalists’ Perceptions of the Normative and the Actual Impact of Different Event Properties When Deciding What’s News. Paper presented at the Future of Journalism
Holt, K. & von Krogh, T. (2011). Citizens as Media Critics in Changing Mediascapes. In Communication @ the Center : The 61st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association Boston, USA 26-30 May 2011.. Boston :
Holt, K. & Karlsson, M. (2011). Participatory journalism and editorial influence. In Communication @ the Center : The 61st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association Boston, USA 26-30 May 2011. Boston :
Esser, F. , de Vreese, C. H. , Strömbäck, J. , van Aelst, P. , Aalberg, T. , Stanyer, J. , Lengauer, G. , Berganza, R. & et al. (2011). Good News? : The Development of the Political Information Environment in Europe Over the Past Four Decades. Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Aalberg, T. , Strömbäck, J. & de Vreese, C. H. (2011). Is Game the Name of the Frame?. Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Strömbäck, J. & van Aelst, P. (2011). How and Why Political Parties Adapt to the Media : Exploring the Mechanisms of Mediatization. In ECPR Joint Sessions, April 12-17, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2011). Prime-Time Politics : A Comparative Study of Election News Coverage on Swedish Television 1998-2008. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2011). Prime Time Politics : A Comparative Study of Election News Coverage in Swedish Television 1998-2010. Paper presented at the Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2011). A Comparison of Interpretative Political Journalism in Swedish Election Campaigns 1998-2010. Paper presented at the Conference of the ECREA Political Communication Section: Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space
Dimitrova, D. V. , Shehata, A. , Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2011). The Effects of Digital Media on Political Knowledge and Participation in Election Campaigns : Evidence from Panel Data. Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Stur, E. & Cepaite, A. (2010). The Role of Social Media in Local Press - Who has the Power over the Content?.
Shehata, A. & Hopmann, D. N. (2010). A Changing (Political) Climate? : A Comparative Study of News Coverage of Global Warming in Swedish and U.S. Press. In European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference, Hamburg 2010..
Shehata, A. & Hopmann, D. N. (2010). Mr and Mrs Smith as Sources : From Elite Focus to Ordinary People in Political News Reporting?. In Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) annual conference, Chicago 2010.
Stur, E. (2010). The Power of Communication in a Digital Age A Case Study of Political Debates in Old and New Media during a Referendum.
Johansson, C. & Grandien, C. (2010). Leading change or living change? : Conceptualizing institutionalization of communication management in organizational change. Paper presented at the 12th Annual EUPRERA Congress, Communication in a Changing Society: Dynamics, Risks and Uncertainty. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, September 23-24, 2010
Johansson, C. & Stohl, C. (2010). Cultural Competence and Institutional Contradictions: The Hydropower Referendum. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 96th Annual Convention
Holt, K. (2010). Participatory Culture and the Church : Contrasting Communicative Ideals?. In The 2nd International Media Readings in Moscow Mass Media and Communications – 2010 : DIGITAL FRONTIERS: TRADITIONAL MEDIA PRACTICES IN THE AGE OF CONVERGENCE. Moscow :
Holt, K. & Karlsson, M. (2010). Edited participation : A comparative study of editorial influence on three online news media in Sweden. Paper presented at the Transcultural Communication – Intercultural Comparisons 3rd European Communication Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 12-15 October 2010
Holt, K. , Rosenqvist, C. & Wessel, J. (2010). Photos on facebook : Photos on Facebook – 24 youths about social visual communication on Facebook. Paper presented at the Transcultural Communication – Intercultural Comparisons 3rd European Communication Conference: ECREA 2010 12–15 October 2010 Hamburg Section 6: Digital Culture and Communication
Strömbäck, J. , Todal Jenssen, A. & Aalberg, T. (2010). News Coverage of the Financial Crisis and Public Perception of Government Regulation. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association
Aarts, K. , Fladmoe, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2010). Media and Political Trust Across Countries. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2010). Framing Politics on Television : Comparing Sweden and the United States. Paper presented at the 3rd European Communication Conference
Holt, K. & von Krogh, T. (2010). Citizens as Media Critics in Changing Mediascapes. Paper presented at the Communication and Citizenship. IAMCR Conference 2010, Braga, Portugal 18-22 July
Lees-Marshment, J. , Strömbäck, J. & Rudd, C. (2010). Globalization of Political Market Orientation? : Results from a Comparative Political Marketing Study. Paper presented at the Political Studies Association
Shehata, A. & Nord, L. (2010). Minding the Gap : A Comparative Study of News Media Use and Political Participation in Europe. In European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference, Hamburg 2010..
Shehata, A. (2009). Marking Journalistic Independence : Official Dominance and the Rule of Product Substitution in Swedish Press Coverage. In International Communication Association, Chicago 2009.
Shehata, A. , van Aelst, P. & van Dalen, A. (2009). Members of Parliament, Equal Competitors for Media Attention? : An Analysis of Personal Contacts Between MPs and Political Journalists in Five Countries.. In International Communication Association, Chicago 2009. (International Communication Association, Chicago 2009)
Holt, K. (2009). Media, authenticity and religion. : Søren Kierkegaard as media critic.. In International Communication Association annual conference : Keywords in communication, Chicago May 2009.
Holt, K. (2009). New media - Old church? : Some reflections on the identity of the Roman Catholic church in the digital age. In Ex Corde Conference : Klosterneuburg, Austria June 2009.
Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). A Mediated Citizenship : Exploring the Linkages Between News Consumption and Media Environments. In Mediated Citizenship : Political Information and Participation in Europe.
Kiousis, S. , Strömbäck, J. & McDevitt, M. (2009). Agenda Setting, Issue Ownership, and Priming : Exploring Linkages and Impact on Vote Choice. In Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting.
Aalberg, T. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). Media Driven Men and Critical Women : Perceptions of Media Relations Among Members of Parliament in Norway and Sweden. In International Society of Political Psychology’s 32 Annual Conference.
Karlsson, M. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). Freezing the Flow of Online News : Exploring Approaches to Study the Liquidity of Online News. In International Communication Association. Chicago :
Maier, M. , Strömbäck, J. & Maier, J. (2009). The Use and Effectiveness of Negativity in Televised Debates. In International Communication Association. Chicago :
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2009). The Conditionality of Source Use : Comparing Source Use in U.S. and Swedish Television News. In International Communication Association. Chicago :
Strömbäck, J. & Van Aelst, P. (2009). Exploring Some Antecedents of the Media’s Framing of Election News : A Comparison of Swedish and Belgian Election News. In International Communication Association. Chicago :
Strömbäck, J. (2009). Mediatization of Politics : Towards a Conceptual Framework. In International Communication Association. Chicago :
Strömbäck, J. , Painter, D. , Fernandes, J. , Zheng, X. , Al Nashmi, E. & Ji Young, K. (2009). Coverage of the U.S. Presidential Campaign : Obamamania Around the World. In Broadcast Education Association Annual Conference.
Holmberg, S. (2009). Human trafficking in the media : A comparison of source and destination countries. In Beyond East and West : Two decades of media transformation after the fall of communism.
Johansson, C. (2009). Key findings in discourse on organizational change. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Chicago May 2009
Stúr, E. & Cepaite, A. (2009). Media Organistations and Local News in a New Media Environment: Super Local News - Redefinition of News from a Local Perspective : IARIGAI Advances in Printing and Media Technology 36 th International Research Conference. In IARIGAI Advances in Printing and Media Technology 36 th International Research Conference. Stockholm :
Johansson, C. & Stùr, E. (2009). Collaborative public relations in practice - targeting democracy through dialogue. Paper presented at the The 19th Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research - Karlstad
Lees-Marshment, J. , Strömbäck, J. & Rudd, C. (2009). Political Marketing Globalised but Contextualized : Results from a Comparative Political Marketing Study. Paper presented at the New Zealand Political Science Association Annual Conference
Holt, K. & von Krogh, T. (2009). Approaching media criticism : Reflections on motives, material and methods. Paper presented at the NordMedia Conference 2009 at Karlstad University
Holt, K. (2009). Digital Public Discourses : An analysis of as a forum for civic participation.. In Mediated Citizenship : Political Information and Participation in Europe.
Holt, K. & von Krogh, T. (2009). Approaching media criticism : Reflections on motives, material and methods.
Lundgren, L. (2009). Intranätprojektet som blev "uppdraget i vägrenen" : Medarbetarkommunikationen kring ett nytt intranät. Paper presented at the NordMedia09. 19:e Nordiska forskarkonferensen för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Karlstad, 13-15 augusti, 2009
Karlsson, M. (2008). Increasingly interactive: Swedish online news 2005-2007 : ICA 2008 - Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 21, 2008.
Maier, J. , Maier, M. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Rhetorical Strategies and Effects of Negative Campaigning : A Comparative Study of Political TV-debates in Germany and Sweden. In 2nd European Communication Conference.. pp. 1--34.
Strömbäck, J. , Maier, J. & Aehling, K. (2008). Do They Really Matter? : Effects of Televised Political Debates on Party Choice in the 2006 Swedish Parliamentary Election Campaign. In XV Nordic Political Science Association Conference.
Strömbäck, J. & Kiousis, S. (2008). Comparing Media Effects on Perceived Issue Salience across Different Media Channels and Media Types. In Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s Annual Conference.
Stúr, E. & Cepaite, A. (2008). Swedish Local Press in a New Media Environment - The Future of Local News : Nordic Media in Theory and Practice, UCL London - Reuter Institute for Study of Journalism - University of Oxford, 2008.
Strömbäck, J. (2008). Voice of the People or Voice of the Media? : Polls and the Media in Sweden, 1998-2006. In American Political Science Association’s Annual Conference.
Maier, M. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Comparing Audience Responses to Televised Debates : A Cross-National Study of Germany and Sweden. In International Association for Media and Communication Research’s Annual Conference.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Exploring Structural Differences in Television News between the United States and Sweden. In International Communication Association’s Annual Conference.
Johansson, B. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). The Dynamics and Information Value of Election News : A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Election News, 1979-2006. In International Association for Media and Communication Research’s Annual Conference.
Shehata, A. (2008). Unemployment on the Agenda : A Panel Study of Agenda Setting Effects During the 2006 Swedish National Election Campaign.
Holt, K. (2008). Media, authenticity and religion. In The Second international conference on media and religion : Tehran: 9-14 november 2008.
Johansson, C. (2008). Discourse on organizational change in theory and practice : Paper presented at: ECC08, Second European Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Johansson, C. (2008). The communication process of change - a model of change communication in organizations : Paper presented at: Euprera 2008 Congress, Milan, Italy.
Strömbäck, J. & Shehata, A. (2008). Media Malaise or a Virtuous Circle? The Impact of Media Consumption on Political Interest : International Communication Association Montreal.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2008). Look Who's Talking : Use of Sources in Newspaper Coverage in Sweden and the United States. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Online.
Karlsson, M. (2008). Visibility of journalistic processes and the undermining of objectivity.
Holmberg, S. & Nord, L. (2008). The Volatile Electorate: : Party selectors on the Internet. In International Communications Association (ICA) : Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Kiousis, S. & Strömbäck, J. (2007). The White House and Public Relations : Examining the Linkages between Presidential Communications and Public Opinion. In 2007 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference.
Strömbäck, J. & Kaid, L. L. (2007). Election News Coverage Around the World: A Comparative Perspective : International Communication Association San Francisco.
Karlsson, M. (2007). Immediacy of online news : Journalistic credo under pressure. In Proceedings of ICA 2007.
Strömbäck, J. (2007). Four Phases of Mediatization : An Analysis of the Mediatization of Politics. In International Communication Association’s Annual Conference.. pp. 1--31.
Holmberg, S. (2007). Internet party selector use among young Swedish voters : Influence, engagement and ideology in changing times. In European Sociology Association (ESA) : 19th Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Strömbäck, J. & Luengo, O. (2007). Polarized Pluralist and Democratic Corporatist Models : Electoral Campaign News Coverage in Spain and Sweden. In Proceedings. 57th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA, May 24-28, 2007.. pp. 1--24.
Johansson, C. & Ottestig, A. T. (2007). Communication executives in a changing world: Legitimacy beyond organizational borders : Paper presented at: Euprera/Loke conference, Roskilde, Denmark.
Johansson, C. & Heide, M. (2007). Speaking of change - A review of new communication approaches to the study of change : Paper presented at: 18th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication, Helsinki, August 16-19, 2007.
Strömbäck, J. (2007). Democracy and the Media : A Social Contract Dissolved?. In Kaj Munk Seminar : From Munk to Mohammed. Freedom of the Press, Censorship, Self-censorship, and Press Ethics. Aalborg : . pp. 1--31.
Johansson, C. (2007). Kommunikation vid förändringar. Tidigare forskning ger nya förutsättningar : Communicare 2007.
Dimitrova, D. V. & Strömbäck, J. (2007). News framing of the official period of the 2003 iraq war in the elite Swedish and U.S. Press : ConferencePaper presenterat vid Media, War & Conflict Conference, Marquette University, USA. april.2007.
Strömbäck, J. , Shehata, A. , Dimitrova, D. & Lee, K. K. S. (2007). Framing of the Mohammad Cartoons Issue: : A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Swedish and US Press. In 57th Annual ICA Conference San Francisco, California, USA Hilton San Francisco at Union Square May 24-28, 2007.. pp. 1--26.
Holmberg, S. (2007). Experiences, lessons from a pan-European media content study" : Workshop on comparative methodology, International Communications Association, San Francisco, May 2007. Based on my COST-project experiences, aspects of comparative media content analysis..
Johansson, C. & Ottestig, A. T. (2007). Communication executives in a changing world: Legitimacy beyond organizational borders : Paper presented at: The 18th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication, Helsinki, Finland.
Holmberg, S. & Nord, L. (2007). Pick and Choose Democracy : Party Selectors on the Internet during the 2006 Swedish National Elections. In British Political Studies Association (BPSA) : Conference on Political Marketing, London.
Shehata, A. (2006). Kausal analys med paneldata.
Stur, E. (2006). Valdramatik och goda historier - narrativa egenskaper hos politisk journalistik inför valet 2006 : FSMK: 1:a Symposium med temat "Trender inom nyhetskulturen", 25-26 april 2006 i Karlstad.
Strömbäck, J. , Mitrook, M. & Kiousis, S. (2006). Bridging Two Schools of Thought : Applications of Public Relations Theory to Political Marketing. In Proceedings. 3rd International Political Marketing Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2006.. pp. 1--30.
Strömbäck, J. (2006). Bridging Two Schools of Thought : Applications of Public Relations Theory to Political Marketing. In Networking Communication Research Dresden, Germany : June 19-23, 2006.
Johansson, C. (2006). Kritiska perspektiv på organisationers kommunikation : Varför behövs de?. In Makten över kommunikationen. Sundsvall : (Communique). pp. 14--29.
Strömbäck, J. & Shehata, A. (2006). Structural Bias in British and Swedish Election News Coverage : A Comparative Study. In Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago : . pp. 1--20.
Strömbäck, J. & Aalberg, T. (2006). The framing of politics in democratic corporatist countries : A comparison of election news coverage in Sweden and Norway. In American Political Science Association Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Aug.31-Sept.3 2006.
Strömbäck, J. (2006). Still A Second-Ranking Election : A Comparison of the Swedish Media Coverage of the European Parliamentary Election in 2004 and the NationalElection in 2002. In Networking Communication Research Dresden, Germany June 19-23, 2006.
Strömbäck, J. & Johansson, B. (2006). Elections Matter : A Longitudinal Study of the Mobilizing Effects of Elections. In Networking Communication Research Dresden, Germany Dresden International Congress Centre June 19-23, 2006.
Strömbäck, J. & Dimitrova, D. V. (2006). A Comparison of Election News Coverage in Sweden and the United States. In International Communication Association 2006.
Strömbäck, J. & Luengo, O. G. (2006). Framing and Election News Coverage in Spain and Sweden. In 4th International Symposium Communication in the Millennium.
Sidén, J. , Nilsson, H. , Koptyug [Koptioug], A. & Olsson, T. (2006). A Distanced RFID Dipole for a Metallic Supply Chain Label. In 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 9-14 July 2006 , Albuquerque, NM, USA.. pp. 3229--3232.
Olsson, T. , Christenssen, H. , Olsson, F. & Filipsson, G. (2006). Simulations and experiments of compactable antennas for an UWB single pulse system. In Proceedings of the Nordic Antenna Symposium (Antenn 06).
Lundgren, L. (2006). Makten över intranätet : en kartläggning av forskningen kring intranät ur ett kommunikationsperspektiv. In Communiqué 2006. Sundsvall : . pp. 84--107.
Holmberg, S. (2006). Explorations into the Media Discourse on Human Trafficking in Sweden : Paper delivered to 9th Nordic Youth Research Information Symposium (NYRIS), 12-14 January, Stockholm.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2006). Political Marketing in a Multiparty System : Paper accepted for the 3rd International Political Marketing Conference, Nicosia, 2006.
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2006). Game is the Name of the Frame. European Parliamentary Elections in Swedish Media 1995-2004. In Campaigning in Europe - campaigning for Europe : political parties, campaigns, mass media and the European parliament elections. Berlin : (Medien : Forschung und Wissenschaft). pp. 407-
Nord, L. , Strömbäck, J. , Grandien, C. & Ottestig, A. T. (2006). When A Natural Disaster Becomes a Political Crisis. A Swedish Case Study. : Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16, 2006.
Strömbäck, J. & Jönsson, A. M. (2005). Nyheter i konkurrens : journalistikens kommersialisering?. In 17th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research : Aalborg, 11-14 August 2005. Göteborg : (NORDICOM review)
Strömbäck, J. (2005). Professionalized Campaigning and Political Marketing : Two Sides of the Same Coin or Two Different Concepts?. In 17th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research : Aalborg, 11-14 August 2005. Göteborg : (NORDICOM review)
Johansson, C. (2005). "Man har svårt att uttrycka nyanser" : när engelskan är koncernspråk. In Språk på tvärs : rapport från ASLA:s höstsymposium, Södertörn, 11-12 november 2004. Uppsala : (ASLA:s skriftserie). pp. 187--199.
Strömbäck, J. (2005). In Search of a Standard : Four Models of Democracy and Their Normative Implications for Journalism. In International Communication Association.
Stúr, E. (2005). Politisk journalistik - Sju dagar i tabloidformat : 17:e nordiska mediekonferensen - Aalborg, Danmark, 2005.
Johansson, C. (2005). Research on organizational communication - The case of Sweden : Paper presented at: First European Communication Conference, Amsterdam, Holland.
Johansson, C. (2005). Visions and realities - Discourse in a strategy communication process : Paper presented at: International Communication Association 55th Annual Conference. Communication: Questioning the dialogue. May 26-30 2005. New York, USA.
Johansson, C. (2005). Research on Organizational Communication - The Case of Sweden : Paper presented at: International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
Johansson, C. (2005). Engelska som koncernspråk - när kommunikationen går över gränserna : Paper presented at: The 17th Conference on Media and Communicaions, Ålborg Danmark.
Holmberg, S. (2005). Human Trafficking in the Swedish Media: Preliminary findings and follow-up study : paper presented at 17th Annual Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Aarhus, Denmark, August 2005.
Strömbäck, J. (2005). Commercialization and the Media Coverage of Swedish National Elections in 1998 and 2002 : Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Marriott Wardman Park, Omni Shoreham, Washington Hilton, Washington, DC.
Nilsson, H. , Sidén, J. , Unander, T. , Olsson, T. , Jonsson, P. , Koptioug, A. & Gulliksson, M. (2005). Characterization of moisture sensor based on printed Carbon-Zinc energy cell. In Polytronic 2005: 5th International Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics - Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ : . pp. 82--85.
Sidén, J. , Olsson, T. , Koptioug, A. & Nilsson, H. (2005). Reduced Amount of Conductive Ink with Gridded Printed Antennas. In Polytronic 2005: 5th International Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics - Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ : . pp. 86--89.
Strömbäck, J. & Dimitrova, D. (2005). Framing of the Iraq War in the Elite Newspapers in Sweden and the United States. In Communication: Questioning the Dialogue. 2005 ICA Conference.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2005). Who Leads the Tango? : A Study of the Relationship Between Swedish Journalists and their Political Sources. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Sheraton New York, New York City, NY.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2005). Political Marketing: The Road to Electoral Success or to Electoral Backlash?. In PSA Political Marketing Group Conference : Political Marketing and the UK Election: Reaching the Political Consumer.. pp. 1--27.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2005). The Thrill is Gone : A Comparison of Swedish EU Elections in the Media. In Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Sheraton New York, New York City, NY,.
Stúr, E. (2004). An open Question - The Globalisation of News in European Media : 2:nd International Conference on Communication and Mass Media - Athens Greece.
Holmberg, S. (2004). Human trafficking in the Swedish media: preliminary findings. In ATINER Conference on Media and Communication, Athens, Greece, May 2004.
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2004). Reporting More When Knowing Less : A Comparison of the Swedish Media Coverage of September 11 and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In International Communication Association‘s Annual Conference.. pp. 1--25.
Holmberg, S. (2003). Defining Day One: US and Swedish television coverage of the Iraq War : FSMK konferens Kristiansand, Norway.
Alström, B. & Hedman, L. (2003). News Companies in the Future : Pamplona Spanien.
Strömbäck, J. (2003). Den politiska kommunikationens perceptioner. In 16th Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research.. pp. 1--33.
Johansson, C. (2003). Visions and realities - A case sudy of coporate communication : Paper presented at: The 16th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication, Kristiansand, Norge.
Koptioug, A. , Jonsson, P. , Sidén, J. , Olsson, T. & Gulliksson, M. (2003). On the behavior of printed RFID tag antennas, using conductive paint. In Antenn 03. Nordic Antenna Symposium, 13-15 May 2003 , Kalmar, Sweden.. pp. 371--374.
Stur, E. (2003). Politiker, val och medier : 16:e Mediekonferensen i Kristiansand: Politisk kommunikation.
Olsson, T. , Jonsson, P. , Sidén, J. , Koptioug, A. & Gulliksson, M. (2003). Deformed Bow-tie antenna. In Antenn 03. Nordic Antenna Symposium, 13-15 May 2003 , Kalmar, Sweden.. pp. 183--188.
Jonsson, P. , Sidén, J. , Olsson, T. & Wang, G. (2002). High-Directivity Fractal-Vee Dipoles. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest).. pp. 558--561.
Sidén, J. , Jonsson, P. , Olsson, T. & Wang, G. (2001). Performance Degradation of RFID System due to the Distortion in RFID Tag Antenna. In CriMiCo 2001 - 11th International Conference.. pp. 371--373.
Conference proceedings (editor)
Johansson, C. (ed.) & Mauerhofer, V. (ed.) (2021). Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet
Johansson, C. (ed.) & Nord, L. (ed.) (2006). Makten över kommunikationen : Communiqué 2006. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Communiqué (Mittuniversitetet) ).
Johansson, C. (ed.) & Hedman, L. (ed.) (2005). Organisationers kommunikation : illusion eller vision?. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Communiqué ).
Doctoral theses
Holt, K. (2008). Publicisten Ivar Harrie : ideologi, offentlighetsdebatt och idékritik i Expressen 1944-1960. Dis. Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag, 2008 (Linköping Studies in Arts and Science : 413)
Grandien, C. (2016). Strategic Communication Found in Translation : Practices, Practitioners and Perceptions. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2016 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 251)
Hamrin, S. (2016). Communicative leadership : (Re)Contextualizing a Swedish concept in theory and within organizational settings. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Mittuniversitet Sundsvall, 2016 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 235)
Falasca, K. (2015). Context matters. Interactions between news media, political actors and citizens in elections and crises. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2015 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 221)
Hyvönen, M. (2014). Lokalpressens självbilder 1920-2010 : Exemplet Gävleborg. Dis. Sundsvall : Avdelningen för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Mittuniversitetet, 2014 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 194)
Shehata, A. (2010). Media Matter : The Political Influences of the News Media. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2010 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 84)
Strömbäck, J. (2001). Gäster hos verkligheten : En studie av journalistik, demokrati och politisk misstro. Dis. Eslöv : Brutus Östlings bokförl. Symposion, 2001 (Doktorsavhandlingar från JMK : 20)
Olsson, T. (2007). Antenna robustness modelling. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Mid Sweden University, 2007 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 19)
Stur, E. (2000). Trivialiseringen inom nyhetsjournalistiken - Vi och Dom : Läsarvärlden i den Österrikiska dagstidningen täglich Alles. Dis. Stockholm : Stockholm universitet JMK, 2000 ( Doktorsavhandlingar från Journalistik, medier och kommunikation. JMK:s avhandlingsserie : 14)
Karlsson, M. (2006). Nätjournalistik : En explorativ fallstudie av digitala mediers karaktärsdrag på fyra svenska nyhetssajter. Dis. Lund : , 2006 (Lund studies in media and communication : 9)
Johansson, C. (2003). Visioner och verkligheter : Kommunikationen om företagets strategi. Dis. Uppsala : Uppsala univ, 2003 (Uppsala studies in media and communication : 2)
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Olsson, T. (2004). Modelling of antenna robustness. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2004 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 5)
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2022). "Valet visade ett alltmer splittrat Sverige".
Lidbom, O. , Nord, L. , Truedson, L. & Wadbring, I. (2021). Ska it-jättarna få styra våra svenska medier? : Debattörerna: Politikerna har lämnat walkover i mediefrågan : Schibsted Forlag..
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2020). Joe Bidens seger splittrar också Sverige : Bonnier..
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2019). EU-valet var mest av allt 28 nationella val (Dagens Nyheter).
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2019). What happened in the European Elections? 70 academics share their reflections (The Big Q).
Bolin, N. , Falasca, K. , Grusell, M. & Nord, L. (2018). De partier som tänker nytt kommer att vinna valet 2022 (DN debatt).
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Reberg, M. (2023). Utställningsdokumentation : Människan i skogen, skogen i människan. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetets bibliotek (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek 4).
Grusell, M. , Jendel, L. & Nord, L. (2022). Smittspridning och ryktesspridning : En studie av myndigheter, regioner och medier under Coronapandemin. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM-rapport 46).
Helgesson, E. & Falasca, K. (2022). Fälldin och "massmedianerna" : Thorbjörn Fälldin som politisk kommunikatör. Sundsvall : (DEMICOM rapport 49).
Johansson, C. , Jämtelid, K. , Jendel, L. , Nilsing, I. & Hasselström, E. (2021). Kriskommunikation i samverkan : Samverkan och samordning inom kriskommunikation vid coronapandemin 2020. Sundsvall : (DEMICOM rapport 45).
Hamrin, S. (2020). Leadership and Communication training : Perceived effects in a multinational subsidiary in Brazil. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden university (DEMICOM rapport ). (Leadership and Communication training: Perceived effects in a multinational subsidiary in Brazil 42).
Reberg, M. (2018). Utvecklingen av det responsiva gränssnittet för Mittuniversitetets Studentportal : Arbetet med implementeringen av e-campus-projektets integrerade studentwebb 2013–2015. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetets bibliotek (Skrifter från Mittuniversitetets bibliotek 2).
Hamrin, S. (2017). Att leda mångkulturella grupper inom äldreomsorg i Sundsvall : Ledarskap och integration från ett kommunikativt perspektiv. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (DEMICOM rapport 34).
Strömbäck, J. , Andersson, F. & Nedlund, E. (2017). Invandring i medierna : Hur rapporterade svenska tidningar 2010–2015?. Stockholm : Delegationen för migrationsstudier (DELMI rapport 2017:6).
Strömbäck, J. & Nord, L. (2017). Mest spelgestaltningar och strukturell partiskhet : En analys av svensk valrörelsejournalistik 2002–2014. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University Demicom (DEMICOM rapport 33).
Wadbring, I. & Jaakkola, M. (2017). Medieutveckling 2017 - Medieutbud. Myndigheten för press, radio och tv
Wadbring, I. & Nilsson, M. (2016). En bild säger mer är tusen ord? Bildjournalistikens förändring i svensk dagspress 1995-2013. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 30).
Strömbäck, J. (2015). I nationens intresse : En översikt av hur invandring bidrar till Sverige. Stockholm : Reforminstitutet
Ottestig, A. T. (2015). Gilla! Dela! Följ! : En studie av myndigheters kriskommunikation i sociala medier. Sundsvall : (DEMICOM rapport 23).
Strömbäck, J. (2015). Demokratin och det förändrade medielandskapet : Mot ökade kunskapsklyftor och deltagandeklyftor?. Stockholm : Demokratitutredningen
Johansson, C. & Bäck, E. (2015). Nätverksledarskap för samordning vid kriser : En studie av skogsbranden i Västmanland. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 25).
Jalakas, A. & Johansson, C. (2014). Kommunikation som ger samhällsnytta : Kommunikationens värde i trafikverket. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 16).
Öhgren, J. & Johansson, C. (2014). Sociala intranät för kommunikation och lärande : En studie av Svenska Spels intranät Hemmaplan. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 15).
Wadbring, I. & Ödmark, S. (2014). Delad glädje är dubbel glädje : En studie om nyhetsdelning i sociala medier. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 20).
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2014). Experiences and requirements for a community approach involving social groups in crisis preparedness and response.
Linnell, M. & Johansson, C. (2014). A literature review on community approaches that involve the public in crisis management : Fostering community resilience through coproduction by response organisations and citizens.
Johansson, C. & Olsson, J. (2013). Kommunikationens värde i offentlig verksamhet. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 10).
Nord, L. & Shehata, A. (2013). Finanskrisen, förväntningarna och förtroendet. (DEMICOM rapport 11).
Lozanovski, J. & Wadbring, I. (2013). Unga Nyheter : Unga reflekterar kring nyheter och nyhetsvanor. (DEMICOM rapport 12).
Johansson, C. , Jendel, L. & Ottestig, A. T. (2013). Nätverk för kriskommunikation : om myndigheters informationssamordning vid kriser. Stockholm : Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (DEMICOM rapport 24).
Johansson, C. & Hamrin, S. (2013). Kommunikativt ledarskap. : En analys av intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare i fem företag. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Johansson, C. (2013). Kommunikativt ledarskap som påverkar organisationens resultat. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Lundgren, L. , Strandh, K. & Johansson, C. (2012). De sociala intranätens praxis : Användning, nytta och framgångsfaktorer. Sundsvall : (DEMICOM rapport 5).
Johansson, C. & Miller, V. D. (2012). Kommunikativt ledarskap 2. : Metod och process för utvärdering. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Grusell, M. (2012). Unga om reklam. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 3).
Shehata, A. (2012). Finanskrisen och förtroendet : Svensk medborgaropinion under finanskrisen hösten 2008. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 2).
Lundgren, L. , Strandh, K. & Johansson, C. (2012). The practice of social intranets : Usage, Benefits and Success Factors. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (DEMICOM rapport 7).
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. D. & Hamrin, S. (2011). Communicative leadership : theories, concepts, and central communication behaviors. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 4).
Strömbäck, J. (2011). Lobbyismens problem och möjligheter : Perspektiv från dem som både lobbar och har blivit lobbade. Stockholm : Precis
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. D. & Hamrin, S. (2011). Kommunikativt ledarskap : definition, teori och centrala beteenden. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Holt, K. (2011). Deltagarjournalistik i det digitala kaffehuset : En analys av Newsmill som kontext för deltagarjournalistik och debatt. Sundsvall : DEMICOM (Studier i politisk kommunikation 25).
Johansson, C. & Nord, L. (2011). Konsten att kommunicera oro utan att oroa : Svenska myndigheter under finanskrisen 2008. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. Demicom. (DEMICOM rapport 1).
Hedman, L. & Alström, B. (2010). Medieutvecklingens vinnare och förlorare : Den globala tidningsmarknaden 2004-2008. Sundsvall : FSCN/Mittuniversitetet (Rapportserie FSCN 2010:55).
Johansson, C. & Stúr, E. (2009). Vojmån - En studie av kommunikation och demokrati. Sundsvall : MKV: Mittuniversitetet
Nord, L. & Grusell, M. (2009). Syftet är alltid att få spinn : De politiska partiernas strategiska kommunikation inför EU-parlamentsvalet 2009. Sundsvall : Mittuniverstietet Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 23).
Karlsson, M. (2008). Kriskommunikation i förändring : Internet, den ökade publiceringshastigheten och de förändrade villkoren för kriskommunikation. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 20).
Shehata, A. (2008). Hotbilder : en studie av Muhammedkarikatyrerna i svensk ochamerikansk storstadspress. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 17).
Strömbäck, J. (2008). På nyhetsmediernas agendor : En studie av hot och risker i det svenska nyhetsurvalet i morgonpress, kvällspress och TV. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 18).
Olof, P. , Djerf-Pierre, M. , Holmberg, S. , Strömbäck, J. & Weibull, L. (2006). Media and Elections in Sweden : report from the Democratic Audit of Sweden 2006. Stockholm : SNS
Alström, B. , Gulliksson, M. & Hedman, L. (2006). De exklusiva magasinen : Tidskriftsförlagens och läsarnas syn på papperskvalitet. Sundsvall : Mittuniverstietet, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2006:37). (FSCN-rapport R-06-66).
Alström, B. , Gulliksson, M. & Hedman, L. (2006). Magasin i tryck på nätet. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2007:41). (FSCN Rapport R-07-69).
Nord, L. , Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2006). Metodfrågor kring studier av medieeffekter och medborgaropinion.
Petersson, O. , Holmberg, S. , Laurin, J. & Strömbäck, J. (2005). Spinndoktorernas läkarstämma. Rapport från Campaign Training Seminar, Washington DC 2005. Stockholm : SNS
Petersson, O. , Djerf-Pierre, M. , Strömbäck, J. & Weibull, L. (2005). Mediernas integritet : Demokratirådets rapport 2005. Stockholm : SNS (Demokratirådets rapport 2005).
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2005). Hot på agendan : En analys av nyhetsförmedling vid risker och kriser. Stockholm : Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM:s temaserie 2005:7).
Grandien, C. , Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2005). Efter flodvågskatastrofen. : Svenska folkets åsikter om och förtroende för myndigheter, medier och politiker. Stockholm : Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM:s temaserie 2005:4).
Alström, B. , Gulliksson, M. & Hedman, L. (2004). Medietrender och papperskvalitet.
Jönsson, A. M. & Strömbäck, J. (2004). Mellan politik och marknad : Utbudet av nyhets- och samhällsprogram i TV mellan 1990 och 2004. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 10).
Abramsson, E. & Strömbäck, J. (2004). EU-parlamentsvalet : En god eller dålig nyhet?. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 11).
Stúr, E. (2004). Politiker och val i pressen : en kvalitativ studie av svensk dagspress och valen 1956,1968 och 2002. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 13).
Cepaite, A. (2003). Annonsörernas agerande på mediemarknaden : Fallet Östersund. (T2F Rapport 95).
Strömbäck, J. (2003). Medierna som fjärde statsmakt: : en studie av innebörden av begreppet granskande journalistik. Sundsvall : Demokratiinstitutet (Studier i politisk kommunikation 1).
Nord, L. , Shehata, A. & Strömbäck, J. (2003). Från osäker källa : bevakningen av Irakkriget i svenska medier. Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM:s temaserie 2003:4).
Alström, B. , Enlund, N. , Johansson, P. , Picard, R. & Gulliksson, M. (2002). Sociological and Behavioural Aspects of Printed Media Usage. Ceprint Pre Study. (T2F Rapport ).
Strömbäck, J. (2002). Medialiserat politiskt ledarskap : en kunskapsöversikt. Institutet för mediestudier (Rapport / Stiftelsen Institutet för mediestudier 2002:5).
Strömbäck, J. (2002). Att skriva vetenskaplig uppsats : praktiska råd och anvisningar.
Alström, B. & Hedman, L. (2002). Hot och möjligheter i morgondagens medievärld : en explorativ studie. Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2002:09). (FSCN-rapport R-02-29).
Wang, G. , Sidén, J. , Jonsson, P. & Olsson, T. (2002). RFID antenna investigation at ITM Department Mid Sweden University. Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2002:07). (FSCN-rapport R-02-20).
Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2002). Tio dagar som skakade världen : En studie av mediernas beskrivningar av terrorattackerna mot USA och kriget i Afghanistan hösten 2001. Stockholm : Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar (Rapport / Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar 186).
Alström, B. , Enlund, . , Hedman, L. & Hvitfelt, . (2001). En föränderlig medievärld : teknik, ekonomi och journalistik. (Teldok rapport 141).
Alström, B. (2001). Kampen om framtidens läsare. Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2001:03). (FSCN-rapport R-01-16).
Strömbäck, J. , Nord, L. , Ljungberg, E. & Norling, A. (2000). Mediernas roller i demokratin. Stockholm : Stiftelsen institutet för mediestudier (Rapport / Stiftelsen Institutet för mediestudier 1).