Two FSCN research projects on the IVA 100 list

Thu 05 Mar 2020 13:05

The Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) has published their 100-list of research with business potential from Sweden's universities the past days. Two of FSCN research projects are on the list.


This year, sustainability is the focus and IVA's list highlights Swedish research projects in the technical and economic sciences.

Mid Sweden University can boast three projects on the list:

- The research in resource and energy efficiency and green energy and green transport in the Litium Ion Project, where researchers Manisha Phadatare, Rohan Patil, Nicklas Blomquist and Håkan Olin are highlighted.

- The research on smart products and services and bio-based wet-packing materials in the EcoMat project, in which the researchers Sven Norgren, Gunilla Pettersson, Hans Höglund and Per Engstrand are mentioned.

Here you will find IVA's 100 list.


The page was updated 3/5/2020