New Associate Professor Jan‑Erik Berg

Mon 19 Dec 2022 12:19

Seminar in chemical engineering for academic title Associate Professor with Jan-Erik Berg. Title of the seminar “Refining gentleness – a key to bulky CTMP”.

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Jan-Erik Berg, FSCN research centre

Chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) is often used in middle layers of multiply paperboards due to its high bulk at specified strength. Such a CTMP should consist of well-separated undamaged fibres with sufficient bonding capacity. A new parameter, Refining gentleness that accounts for temperature, bound sulphonate content, refining gap, and refiner diameter, is believed  to be a versatile tool in research and process development in order to achieve bulky CTMP.

Read more about Jan-Eriks research


The page was updated 12/19/2022