Licentiate seminar with Tove Joelsson
Welcome to Licentiate Seminar in Chemical Engineering with Tove Joelsson. Tove is industry employed PhD Student in FORIC research school and we are part of the Treesearch research platform and FSCN research centre.
Title of the Thesis
High strength paper from High Yield Pulps by means of hot-pressing
Paper is a recyclable, biologically degradable material that can be produced by means of energy efficient, ecofriendly sustainable processes. As the steadily increasing carbon-storing wood fiber resources used for papermaking are renewable as opposed to fossilbased plastics, it’s obvious that paper-based materials will be increasingly important for a sustainable future free from utilization of fossil-based materials. This is the reason for making efforts in research and development, with the objective to optimize physical properties such as dry and wet strength of wood fiber based materials to match the expectations for packaging materials as paperbags. Read more on
Date February 20, 2020 10:15
Place Campus Sundsvall lecture hall O102
Professor Per Engstrand
Dr. Gunilla Pettersson
Mid Sweden University
Dr. Anna Svedberg
MoRe Research Örnsköldsvik AB
External Rewiever
Professor Samuel Schabel
TU Darmstadt