Welcome to PPPS2025 in Sundsvall

Tue 20 May 08.00–Thu 22 May 13.00
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We are excited to invite you to join us for the Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2025. The Conference is organized by Mid Sweden University and will take place in Sundsvall, Sweden, from May 20 to 22, 2025.

Drönarbild, Campus i förgrunden, Sundsvalls stad i bakgrunden

This conference will bring together researchers and industry experts to discuss advancements in the physical properties of paper, paperboard, and other fiber and cellulose-based materials. 

Read more about the conference


You are invited to share your research. This seminar will address a broad range of topics, exploring both the physical properties of paper, paperboard, and other natural fiber materials, as well as the physics of processes involved in their manufacturing and use.

Read more about call for abstracts

The page was updated 12/3/2024