Publications 2009
Publications 2009
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Wang, Q. & Zhang, T. (2009). Bottleneck Zone Analysis in Energy-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 13: 6, pp. 423-425.
Norlin, B. & Fröjdh, C. (2009). Characterisation of spectral performance of pixellated X-ray imaging detectors in a microscopy setup. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 607: 1, pp. 199-201.
Unander, T. & Nilsson, H. (2009). Characterization of Printed Moisture Sensors in Packaging Surveillance Applications. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 9: 8, pp. 922-928.
Mattsson, C. , Thungström, G. , Rödjegård, H. , Nilsson, H. & Martin, H. (2009). Experimental evaluation of a thermopile detector with SU-8 membrane, in a carbon dioxide meter setup. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 9: 12, pp. 1633-1638.
Mattsson, C. , Thungström, G. , Bertilsson, K. , Nilsson, H. & Martin, H. (2009). Fabrication and characterization of a design optimized SU-8 thermopile with enhanced sensitivity. Measurement science and technology, vol. 20: 11, pp. 115202
Engholm, M. , Jelger, P. , Laurell, F. & Norin, L. (2009). Improved photodarkening resistivity in ytterbium-doped fiber lasers by cerium codoping. Optics Letters, vol. 34: 8, pp. 1285-1287.
Tourancheau, S. , Brunnström, K. , Andrén, B. & Le Callet, P. (2009). LCD motion-blur estimation using different measurement methods. Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol. 17: 3, pp. 239-249.
Mbairi, F. D. & Hesselbom, H. (2009). Microwave bandstop filters using novel artificial periodic substrate electromagnetic band gap structures. IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies, vol. 32: 2, pp. 273-282.
Lars, H. , Björk, M. , Cederquist, B. , Mattsson, C. , Thungström, G. & Fröjdh, C. (2009). Point Dose Profile Measurments using Solid State Detectors in Characterization of Computed Tomograhy Systems. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 607: 1, pp. 223-225.
Kozynchenko, A. I. (2009). Predictive guidance algorithms for maximal downrange maneuvrability with application to low-lift re-entry. Acta Astronautica, vol. 64: 7-8, pp. 770-777.
Andersson, H. , Manuilskiy, A. , Thungström, G. , Lundgren, A. & Nilsson, H. (2009). Principle of FT Spectrometer based on a Lateral Effect Position Sensitive Detector and Multi Channel Fabry-Perot Interferometer. Measurement, vol. 42: 5, pp. 668-671.
Quadir, A. , Arefin, M. & Sandström, H. E. (2009). Reliable IPTV Service Delivery Using PIM-SSM Routing. Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 1: 3, pp. 495-507.
Mattsson, C. , Bertilsson, K. , Thungström, G. , Nilsson, H. & Martin, H. (2009). Thermal simulation and design optimization of a thermopile infrared detector with SU-8 membrane. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 19: 5, pp. 055016
O'Nils, M. , Thim, J. , Norlin, B. & Oelmann, B. (2009). Threshold Modulation for Continuous Energy Resolution with Two Channels per Pixel in a Photon Counting X-ray Image Detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 607: 1, pp. 236-239.
Gidlund, M. & Wang, g. (2009). Uplink Scheduling Algorithms for QoS Support in Broadband Wireless Access Networks. Journal of Communications, vol. 4: 2, pp. 133-142.
Brunnström, K. , Hands, D. , Speranza, F. & Webster, A. (2009). VQEG Validation and ITU Standardisation of Objective Perceptual Video Quality Metrics. IEEE signal processing magazine (Print), vol. 26: 3, pp. 96-101.
Borking, K. , Danielson, M. , Ekenberg, L. , Idefeldt, J. & Larsson, A. (2009). Bortom Business Intelligence. Stockholm : Sine Metu
Chapters in books
Wang, Q. & Zhang, T. (2009). A Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Security in RFID and Sensor Networks. Boca Raton : CRC Press. pp. 293-320.
Kanter, T. (2009). Foreword : Context-Aware Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing for Enhanced Usability: Adaptive Technologies and Applications. In Context-Aware Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing for Enhanced Usability : Adaptive Technologies and Applications. IGI Global.
Thim, J. & Norlin, B. (2009). Noise Coupling in Digital X-Ray Imaging. In Medical Imaging: Principles, Detectors, and Electronics. Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell.
Conference papers
Wang, Q. & Zhang, T. (2009). A Multi-homing Extension of Wireless Node Implementation in Ns-2. In 2009 4th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM 2009 : ChinaCom'09.. pp. 751--756.
Bader, S. & Oelmann, B. (2009). Adaptive synchronization for duty-cycling in environmental wireless sensor networks. In ISSNIP 2009 - Proceedings of 2009 5th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing.. pp. 49--54.
Arvidsson, B. , Jason, J. & Alexandersson, R. (2009). Aspects of OTDR Measurements in a Cable Factory. In 9th OFMC Conference Digest.. pp. 113--117.
Wang, Q. & Zhang, T. (2009). Characterizing the traffic load distribution in dense sensor networks. In 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2009.. pp. 5384829-
Kanter, T. , Pettersson, S. , Forsström, S. , Kardeby, V. , Norling, R. , Walters, J. & Österberg, P. (2009). Distributed Context Support for Ubiquitous Mobile Awareness Services. In 2009 Fourth International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China. ChinaCom'09... pp. 869--873.
Norlin, B. , Fröjdh, C. , O'Nils, M. , Fröjdh, A. , Fröjdh, E. & Thungström, G. (2009). Energy Resolved X-ray Imaging as a Tool for Characterization of Paper Coating Quality. In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2009. (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record). pp. 1703--1706.
Rahmani, R. , Kanter, T. & Åhlund, C. (2009). Fuzzy control of active queue management for bursty traffic in heterogeneous networks. In Proceedings - MICC 2009: 2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on Communications with a Special Workshop on Digital TV Contents.. pp. 491--496.
Huang, X. , Zhang, T. & Hou, Y. (2009). ID management among clouds. In 2009 1st International Conference on Future Information Networks, ICFIN 2009.. pp. 237--241.
Nordin, L. , O'Nils, M. , Engstrand, P. , Bäck, R. , Ferritsius, O. & Sandberg, C. (2009). Measurement and prediction of dewatering characteristics for mechanical pulps using optical fibre analyzers. In Proceedings - 2009 International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2009.. pp. 309--316.
Krapohl, D. , Loeffler, S. , Moser, A. & Hofmann, U. G. (2009). Microstimulation in The Brain : Does Microdialysis Influence the Activated Volume of Tissue?. In Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference Milan 2009. Milan :
Sidén, J. , Gao, J. & Neubauer, B. (2009). Microstrip Antennas for Remote Moisture Sensing using Passive RFID. In APMC: 2009 ASIA PACIFIC MICROWAVE CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5.. pp. 2375--2378.
Sandberg, K. W. , Kanter, T. & Pan, Y. (2009). Mobile technology as part of the research agenda on democracy. In The 13th International conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
Karlsson, L. & Sjöström, M. (2009). Multiview plus depth scalable coding in the depth domain. In 3DTV-CON 2009 - 3rd 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, Proceedings.. pp. 5069631-
Culver, S. , Gidlund, M. & Wang, G. (2009). Performance of Cooperative relaying with ARQ in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings.. pp. 317--319.
Huang, X. , Yin, H. , Yifan, H. , Lisi, L. , Lan, S. , Sina, Z. , Yang, J. & Zhang, T. (2009). Privacy of Value-Added Context-Aware Service Cloud. In Lecture notes in computer science Volume 5931. (Lecture notes in computer science). pp. 547--552.
Thim, J. , Norlin, B. , O'Nils, M. , Abdalla, S. & Oelmann, B. (2009). Realizing increased sub-pixel spatial resolution in X-ray imaging using displaced multiple images. In 11th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors.
Thörnberg, B. & Lawal, N. (2009). Real-time Component Labelling and Feature Extraction on FPGA. In 2009 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2009.. pp. 5206100-
Patrik, J. (2009). Road status sensors : A comparison of active and passive sensors. In TS116 : Weather monitoring.
Fuchs, H. , Jennehag, U. , Thoma, H. , Döhla, S. & Färber, N. (2009). Scalable video coding for IPTV fast channel change. In Dortmunder Fernsehseminar.
Wang, Q. & Zhang, T. (2009). Simulated Wireless Multihomed Node in NS-2. In The Sixth Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop and Ninth Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Adhoc Networks.
Geterud, E. , Hjelm, M. , Ciamulski, T. & Sypniewski, M. (2009). Simulation of a lens antenna using a parallelized version of an FDTD simulator. In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2009, Proceedings.. pp. 3457--3461.
Öhlund, T. , Örtegren, J. , Andersson, H. & Nilsson, H. (2009). Sintering Methods for Metal Nanoparticle Inks on Flexible Substrates. In NIP 25: DIGITAL FABRICATION 2009, TECHNICAL PROGRAM AND PROCEEDINGS.. pp. 614--617.
Esebamen, O. , Norlin, B. & Thungström, G. (2009). Spectral Performance of Photon Counting Pixel Detector Using Attenuation Spectra for Test Samples. In AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1204. New York : (AIP Conference Proceedings). pp. 177--179.
Norlin, B. , Fröjdh, C. , Thungström, G. & Greiffenberg, D. (2009). Spectroscopic Imaging with an X-ray Microscopy Setup Using a Pixelated Detector with Single Photon Processing. In 2008 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (2008 NSS/MIC), VOLS 1-9. New York : . pp. 3464--3469.
Fuchs, H. , Jennehag, U. & Thoma, H. (2009). Subjective evaluation of low resolution tune-in streams for IPTV fast channel change. In IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 2009. BMSB '09... pp. 1--5.
Thim, J. , Manuilskiy, A. , O´Nils, M. , Thörnberg, B. , Lindgren, J. & Lidén, J. (2009). The Impact of Surface Movement in Online Paper Topgraphy Cahracerization Using Light Triangulation. In Proceedings fo the Papermaker´s Research Symposium.
Kanter, T. , Österberg, P. , Walters, J. , Kardeby, V. , Forsström, S. & Pettersson, S. (2009). The MediaSense Framework. In Proceedings - 2009 4th International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, ICDT 2009. New York : . pp. 144--147.
Engholm, M. & Norin, L. (2009). The role of charge transfer processes for the induced optical lossesin ytterbium doped fiber lasers. In The role of charge transfer processes for the induced optical lossesin ytterbium doped fiber lasers.
Wang, Q. & Zhang, T. (2009). Traffic load analysis in large-scale and dense wireless sensor networks. In The Sixth Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop and Ninth Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Adhoc Networks.
Kanter, T. , Pettersson, S. , Forsström, S. , Kardeby, V. & Österberg, P. (2009). Ubiquitous Mobile Awareness from Sensor Networks. In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Volume 12.. pp. 147--150.
Doctoral theses
Mattsson, C. (2009). Design, Fabrication and Optimization of Thermal Radiation Detectors Based on Thin Polymer Membranes. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Kopieringen Mittuniversitetet, 2009 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 73)
Lawal, N. (2009). Memory Synthesis for FPGA Implementation of Real-Time Video Processing Systems. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundvall : Mid Sweden Univ., 2009 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 66)