5G forestry Innovation Day
Welcome to take part in 5G forestry Innovation Day. On June 17th, we will bring the enterprises and organizations in forestry ecosystem together for a forestry 5G innovation day with networking, keynotes, and workshops:
Welcome to take part in 5G forestry Innovation Day
The forest industry accounts for approx. 10% of the employment, exports, turnover and added value in Swedish industry. Almost 90 percent of our pulp and paper production and close to 70 percent of sawn timber is exported. This places Swedish forest industry third in the world's exporters of these products.
Innovation and digitization of the industry is crucial to stay ahead of international competition. Research and technologies such as 5G and advanced networking will enable new use cases and possibilities to drive down cost, increase production adaptivity and generate new value streams.
On June 17th , we will bring the enterprises and organizations in forestry ecosystem together for a forestry 5G innovation day with networking, keynotes, and workshops:
Support with innovation process
- Identifying challenges and possible solutions
- An arena for the ecosystem to grow
This initiative is in collaboration between Bron Innovation, Mittuniversitetet, RISE, Telia and Tieto.
For mor information and registration please visit: https://www.tieto.com/se/events/2019/5g-innovation-workshop/