Presentation of HPC2N ‑ How you can use the network's resources in your research

Fri 10 Nov 2023 09.30–10.30
C326 and Online

On November 10, Paolo Bientinesi from the data cluster's High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) will come to Mid Sweden University to give a presentation about the network's resources and how you as a researcher can take advantage of these in your work.

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During this hour you will get more information about the network and its resources. We will also briefly go through different hardware and the difference between them. You also get a reflection from researchers at Mid Sweden University who already use the network's resources today.

About HP2N

Mid Sweden University is part of the data cluster High Performance Computing Center North − HPC2N. The network includes many universities and research institutes in Sweden, which together form a competence network for high performance computing (HPC), scientific visualization and virtual reality (VR) in Northern Sweden.

HPC2N includes the Institute for Space Physics (IRF), Luleå University of Technology, Mid Sweden University, SLU - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet and Umeå University, which leads the program.


Date: November 10, 2023

Time: 09:30-10:30 AM

Plats: Campus Sundsvall, Room: C326 and online

Language: English

The page was updated 9/25/2023