Aamir receives an initiation grant from STINT

Wed 09 Nov 2016 09:23

Dr. Aamir Mahmood has received an initiation grant of 150 000 SEK from STINT to collaborate with National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Pakistan. The collaboration will lead to the implementation of case studies and organization of research visits.


The grant was received to initiate “Collaboration between Sweden and Pakistan to Investigate Reliable Information and Communication Technologies for Realizing Smart Electricity Systems”. The grant will be utilized to organize research visits of two researchers from each university, that is, Mid Sweden University, Sweden and National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan.

The possibility the grant provides is to combine the theoretical and practical research expertise of the two universities on reliable communication in wireless sensor networks, and make joint publications. In addition, the plan is to set up case studies on smart electricity grids both in Sweden and Pakistan: Sweden with its prominent R&D position in smart-grids and Pakistan facing long-standing energy crises provides a great opportunity for both parties to establish a long-term partnership.

Facts about STINT:

The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT, was set up by the Swedish Government in 1994 with the mission to internationalize Swedish higher education and research. STINT promotes knowledge and competence development within internationalization and invests in internationalization projects proposed by researchers, educators and management at Swedish universities.

The initiation grant is given for the implementation of short-term projects targeting the building of new and strategically interesting international relationship. For more information, please visit http://www.stint.se/en/


The page was updated 11/15/2016