New PhD‑student at STC

Thu 17 Nov 2016 13:41

STC would like to welcome our new PhD-student Hiba Alqaysi. Hiba has an MSc in Computer and Information Science and she will focus her research in the area of computer vision and image processing. She will be a part of the research project SMART.


What is your background?

I have a bachelor degree is in Computer Science from Babylon University, Iraq and a Master of Science in Computer and Information Science from Gannon University in PA, USA.

What is your area of interest?

Computer vision and image processing.

What is it that you are going to investigate in your Ph.D?

I’m going to work with architecture for embedded smart cameras that leads to cost effective volumetric surveillance. The research will investigate configurable platforms and methods to design and develop efficient embedded smart cameras. The aim is to optimize low resource usage and real-time performance.

Why did you choose Mid Sweden University?

The specific research I applied to is much related to my MSc thesis and research area of interest. Also, the support and resources that Mid Sweden University provides along with their collaboration with different parties makes it a great research environment for young talented researchers.

On the other hand, Sweden as a country is known for its diversity and equality. It is usually referred to as the most equal country in the world. I believe this is one of the important reasons to choose a school here.

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