76 million from the structural funds to projects at Mid Sweden University

Tue 07 Jun 2016 14:03

The Partnership for Structural Funds has decided to prioritize six different projects at Mid Sweden University in EU regional structural fund for the Mid Sweden region. The projects that promoting regional growth were granted a total of 76 million. One of these projects is SMART that will contribute to smart systems and services for an efficient and innovative society.

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The Structural Funds Programme in Mid Sweden will contribute to investment in regional growth and employment, and builds on the strategies and priorities in developing the region.

- It is gratifying and important decisions, these projects are good examples of where research is conducted in collaboration with many external partners. This guarantees that they will benefit, broadening the region's industry and utilizes the strengths that exist in our region, says Anders Söderholm, vice-chancellor at Mid Sweden University.

The SMART project will be carried out within STC Research Centre:

SMART - Smarter systems and services for efficient and innovative society - the project includes 25 companies and regional organizations where the goal is to research and develop new business within Internet of Things for the industry and smart communities. The next stage of digitization is to link up all devises around us and from that create services that improve our lives and enhance our ability to protect the environment. The project focuses on research challenges within Internet of Things with a focus on industry and smart communities. The goal is to create conditions for the region's businesses to increase their competitiveness and create new services in the area. The project focuses on smart systems within three focus areas;

  • Efficient production (products for the energy efficiency / reduce emissions)
  • Smart communities (products to reduce emission / resource use and increased accessibility for the disabled)
  • Monitoring of large areas (products for energy efficiency and reduced impact on ecosystems)
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