A new international cooperation strengthens STC | miun.se

A new international cooperation strengthens STC

Thu 08 Sep 2016 16:22

In September Mid Sweden University got a first visit by the new guest professor Tina Liguori from the University of Salerno, Italy. She will support the researcher of STC research center with her knowledge within measurement system characterization. This visit is the first of several in this new collaboration.

Tina Liguori gästprofessor STC

Prof. Liguori work as a full professor at the University of Salerno, Italy, now she has started a new collaboration as a guest professor at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. This is her second visit to Sweden and she is very fond of the beautiful nature and people’s healthy lifestyle. Unlike her home university she thinks that Mid Sweden University has a great mix of people from different cultures.

- I like the mix of different cultures at Mid Sweden University. There is people from all around the world and I believe that this diversity can benefit the research as well, says prof. Tina Liguori.

Her first contact with Mid Sweden University was in 2013 when she was invited as an opponent on a doctoral thesis at Mid Sweden University. Now three years later she is back as a guest professor to contribute with her knowledge and build a new research collaboration between the two universities.

- On this visit I have met the research leaders at STC to discuss contacts points in our research fields. We already found several possible collaboration activities for the future and we hope to work out strategies to make a common EU application.

At the University of Salerno prof. Liguori is working together with four other senior researchers, several of PhD-students and research engineers in a measurement research group at the department of industrial engineering.  The research group have thru the years evolved three different spin-off companies with commercial products.  

- Our research at the University of Salerno is quite theoretical if I compare it to Mid Sweden University who has more opportunities to realize prototypes. We have similar competence but there is some differences and I believe that we can complement each other perfectly.

Her goal with being a guest professor at Mid Sweden University is to reach out at a more international level. Liguori believes that the partnership with Mid Sweden University could be a way to reach it.

At her visit this time prof. Liguori presents her research to the bachelor and master students at Mid Sweden University in two open seminars. It will be an introduction to and definitions of uncertainty and applied cases on image processing. Next spring prof. Liguori will come back to Sundsvall and then she will also bring her students. They will do part of their master thesis together with the researchers at Mid Sweden University and their results will contribute to the research activities at the STC Research Centre.

STC Sensible Things that Communicate logotyp
Tina Liguori gästprofessor STC


The page was updated 9/9/2016