Jawad Ahmad, PhD‑student

Tue 01 Jun 2010 13:17

Jawad Ahmad is a PhD-student within the research group Printed sensor systems with a focus on large area printed sensors. He will be a part of the research project SMART.

Jawad Ahmad intervjubild

What is your area of interest?

My area of interest is in the field of printable and flexible electronics, electrically conductive ink printing methods, printed sensors and their read-out electronics. This is to utilize the advantages of printed electronics in our daily life as well as in industries.

What are you going to investigate in your PhD?

The research will focus on large area printed electronics with a primary objective on large area pressure sensor systems. We are going to investigate the potential of non-conventional electronic materials, nanoparticle based inks and conductive polymer based inks to make different printed sensors. The characterization of pressure sensors that are manufactured by printing methods such as screen printing, flexography and inkjet printing on various substrates, will also be done in this research.

Why did you choose Sweden and Mid Sweden University?

Sweden has a reputation of providing great opportunities for researchers and entrepreneurs. I was enrolled in the Master’s program in Electronics at Mid Sweden University and liked the energetic learning atmosphere. STC research center here at Mid Sweden University is an attractive platform for researchers and associates with a number of fields in modern day innovative technologies.


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