Yongwei Li, PhD‑student

Tue 01 Jun 2010 10:08

Yongwei Li is a PhD-student within the research group Realistic 3D. He will focus his research in the field of lightfield imaging, which encompasses certain parts of computer vision and image analysis.

Yongwei Li intervjubild

What is your background?

I have a Bachelor and Master's Degree in Computer Science and Technology from Liaoning Normal University in China.

What is your area of interest?

My research interest mainly lies in the field of computer vision, especially in modelling, image analysis realistic 3D and multidimensional data processing. Existing theory and technology can no longer meet the academic or industrial requirements of complex imaging systems due to the imbalanced descriptiveness and complexity in models. To be more specific, geometric models have a rather low complexity in computation meanwhile it is suffering from being unable to describe many optical properties. While on the other hand, wave optics models are highly descriptive but the cost of computation is intolerable. So it is of vital significance to find a balance between descriptiveness and computational complexity in optic models for the development of data capture and processing in complex imaging systems. My PhD research project, namely “modelling of plenoptic capture in geometrical optics considering lightfield sampling and aliasing” will focus on this problem, which makes it a highly interesting and challenging topic.

What is it that you are going to investigate in your Ph.D?

I am going to develop models for multidimensional data capture and analysis which can be used in the field of complex imaging systems. Benefiting from a series of well-organized training events, such as training schools, online seminars, workshops and conferences, I will develop a better insight of lightfield imaging from physics and computer science perspectives. Additionally, I will cooperate with 14 doctoral students in ETN-FPI from both academic and industrial entities across the Europe and dedicate ourselves into the development of next generation technology of ultrarealistic applications.

Why did you choose Mid Sweden University?

Mid Sweden University has a very friendly atmosphere for Ph.D students to do their research. I really enjoy when I can discuss both scientific and personal issues with professors during the coffee break. Additionally, the working hours are also very flexible, which gives me both freedom and responsibility to schedule my time. I am sure that the further development of my work requires more advanced training in a school like MIUN and a project like ETN-FPI. I believe that advanced studies under such seasoned guidance will endow me with a broader vision and more profound insights, with which I can make more contribution to light field imaging.


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