Now our region is getting SMARTer

Mon 20 Jun 2016 12:50

In the research project SMART, STC will along with 25 different companies and regiona do research and develop new business within Internet of Things for the industry and smart communities. 63 million SEK will be invested over three years.


Digitization is development of society with great importance to maintain the competitiveness of almost all types of businesses. The next stage of digitization is to connect different devices around us, vehicles, buildings, machinery, etc. to the Internet and from that create services that can improve our lives and our environment.

- The potential of the Internet of Things is just as great as it has been for the Internet itself, which means that there is a Google and a Facebook around the corner waiting to be created. It would be fun if it happens in our region, says Mattias O'Nils, professor at Mid Sweden University and project leader of SMART.

The project focuses on research challenges in Internet of Things and focuses on industry and smart society. The goal is to create conditions for the region's businesses to increase their competitiveness and create new services in the area.

- We see a great potential in linking up our wheelchairs to be even better and give our clients a higher quality of life. The SMART project is an important step toward building the competence we need in the area, says Tomas Stenlund, development manager in software and electronics at Permobil.

Recently, the SMART project was granted funding and it was the start of the new operation towards Smart Society based on a cooperation agreement between the Municipally of Sundsvall and Mid Sweden University were the companies will be a catalyst for achieving concrete results.

- We are delighted to be able to support new ideas and innovations like this project. The development of digital products is not only positive for the development of our activities in the municipality, this type of project also strengthens Sundsvall from a national and global perspective, says Peder Björk (S), board chairman Municipally of Sundsvall.

STC Sensible Things that Communicate logotyp
Mattias O´Nils


The page was updated 11/23/2016