Aamir receives funding for a research visit to Paris
Dr. Aamir Mahmoud from STC Research Centre was granted 30 000 SEK from Ericsson Research Foundation to make a visit to Prof. Mérouane Debbah and his research group Large Networks and Systems Group at CentraleSupelec in Paris.
Dr. Aamir Mahmood is a postdoctoral researcher at STC within the research group Communication Systems and Networks that focuses on research areas to better understand and develop communication networks, particularly in the wireless domain. To broaden the international academic network Aamir has been granted 30 000 SEK from Ericsson Research Foundation to make a research visit to Prof. Mérouane Debbah and the Large Networks and Systems Group (LANEAS) in the beginning of 2018.
- I sent a request to prof. Debbah and asked if I could visit him and his research team, since he is a highly prominent researcher within my research field. He accepted and sent me an invitation and then I applied to the Ericsson Research Foundation who now granted me funding for the research visit, says Aamir.
Aamir´s research focus on Interference management aspects – interference detection, classification and mitigation – in low-power wireless sensor systems. In delay and reliability sensitive industrial applications, interference from coexisting wireless systems can easily inundate a sensor network unless it can take cognitive actions to adapt its medium access parameters. The interference in unlicensed bands is sporadic and its dynamics change in time, frequency and spatial domains. With the prior research experience on interference detection and classification, the design of these actions (models) is the subject of our future research. Aamir plan to study game-theoretic models for spectrum agile operation of a network that can take into account the stochastic behavior of coexisting interference sources and Prof. Debbah is a recognized expert in this domain.
- Within Prof. Debbahs team there is another researcher working with the exact same questions as me and it will be interesting to discuss solutions together, Dr Aamir Mahmood ended.
More information about LANEAS
More information about STC research group Communication Systems & Network