Workshop for environmental monitoring
How do we get the environment into the control loop? That was what 35 workshop participants discussed at the first workshop for the new research initiative MiLo - Miljö i kontrolloopen (environment into the control loop).
The workshop participants came from regional companies, public sector and researchers from STC research centre. The objective with MiLo is to contribute to a better environment and a more sustainable society by strengthen the regional companies and organizations so that they can develop new products and services for environmental monitoring.
- Some examples of measurement technology we want to develop in the project with our partners are monitoring the quality of snow and skiing properties, measurement of environmentally hazardous pollutants in fiber banks and fly ash, as well as monitoring and measuring ice on airports' rolling lanes, says Benny Thörnberg, associate professor and project manager for MiLo at STC.
The engagement of the participants was great, and many new uses came up like measurement and modeling of precipitation, diversion of water at occasional pollutants, and visualization of measurement data to create changes - both in industry and in our homes.