STINT grants enable new collaboration with Hong Kong

Fri 02 Mar 2018 10:26

In the end of February STC researchers Dr. Ulf Jennehag and Prof. Mikael Gidlund visited the City University of Hong Kong. They has been granted 149 500 SEK from STINT to initiate a research collaboration between the two universities.

Hong Kong

- The goals is to deepen the collaboration between the two universities that will result in further collaboration, joint publications and better contacts between the PhD-students that broaden their contact network, says Dr. Ulf Jennehag.

Ulf and Mikael first got in contact with the City University of Hong Kong in December 2016 through Dr. Gerhard Hancke Jr, an expert within IoT Security, that they met on a conference. He was then invited to Mid Sweden University to hold a presentation on IoT security to the researchers and industrial partners at STC. 

Thanks to this STINT grant, it is now Ulf and Mikael turn to visit Dr. Hancke and his research team in Hong Kong. Dr. Hanckes’s team is highly ranked within secure communication and Ulf thinks it will be a rewarding exchange between the two universities.

- This is initiation project is the start of a larger collaboration that starts with this visit to Hong Kong and in April Dr. Hancke will visit Mid Sweden University. This summer there will also be a student exchanged between the two universities where PhD-Student Teklay Gebremichael from STC will be visiting Hong Kong, Ulf summarizes.


About Iot Security

Current industrial trends and initiatives aim to “connect the unconnected”. It is envisioned that millions of interconnected embedded devices will be used for safety and security critical applications such as industrial control systems, modern vehicles, and critical infrastructure. Devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) generate, process, exchange vast amounts of security and safety-critical data as well as privacy-sensitive information, and hence are appealing targets for various attacks. To ensure the correct and safe operation of IoT systems, it is crucial to assure the integrity of the underlying devices and secure communication.

Advancing this area requires advanced knowledge in security and integrity principles, as well as a solid understanding of industrial applications and the fundamental limitations that IoT brings. This means that expertise in security, i.e. in depth knowledge in cryptography and security analysis, and expertise in communication networks and industrial applications, i.e. the capability to experiment with different technologies and implement prototypes of proposed solutions, is required. This combination of skills are rarely found within one research group. This project will allow the two universities to establish a research partnership with the combined skill needed involving further partners.

STC Sensible Things that Communicate logotyp

About City University of Hong Kong

STINT Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning oh forskning


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