Find a parking space with AI |

Find a parking space with AI

Mon 01 Apr 2019 14:04

Do you also drive around and look for vacant parking spaces sometimes? What if you could get information about the nearest available parking space instead! Right now, researchers at STC are testing to use AI - Artificial Intelligence, to find available parking lots.

In this test, a smart camera has been set up on the university's parking. The camera collects data on how cars park within the area and the information is processed using AI. The result is that the AI learns where there are parking spaces and can present an overview of where there are parking spaces available.

It is also possible to obtain statistics on how the parking is used over time and in this way the technology can also be used as a tool in, for example, snow removal or other work.

View the test website for SMART Parking

Right now the technology is on a test level but in the long run it can be used to develop the smart city where citizens can quickly and easily find a free parking space without having to drive around and search. Good for both the citizens and the environment!

This test is a part of the research project SMART and IoT hub för Tillgänglighet coordinated by Bron.

Bron 16x9


The page was updated 7/12/2023