Prof. Olfa Kanoun
Gues professor in Embedded Measurement Systems from the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany.
Olfa Kanoun is professor for measurement and sensor technology since 2007 at TU Chemnitz, Germany. She graduated in electrical engineering at the Technische Universität München from in 1996, where she specialized in the field of electronics. Her PhD at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich was awarded in 2001 by the Commission of Professors in Metrology (AHMT e. V.) in Germany.
In 2015 she was awarded by the Tunisian ministry of social affairs for her scientific excellence and outstanding achievements. In her research she focuses on sensors, measurement systems and measurement methods. Since 2001 she is developing new sensors and measurement solutions based on impedance spectroscopy in the fields of battery diagnosis, bio-impedance spectroscopy, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, conductivity sensors and material testing. She has a deep expertise in the field of energy harvesting and energy transmission and develops since many years successfully flexible nanocomposite sensors for force, temperature and humidity measurements.
As senior IEEE member, she volunteers for the Instrumentation and Measurement Society and for IEEE. In 2004 she founded an IEEE IM Chapter and in 2014 she initiated a student branch at TU Chemnitz. She serves as co-chair of the Technical Committee on nanotechnology in instrumentation and measurement (TC 34). In 2001 she was co-founder of the international multi-conference on systems, signals and devices (SSD) and in 2008 she initiated the annual International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS).
From April 1, 2021 Prof. Kanoun is a guest professor in Embedded Measurement Systems at Mid Sweden University.