Ye Xu defended his PhD‑thesis on Energy Harvesting
On Wednesday morning it was time for PhD-student Ye Xu to present and defend his doctoral thesis to the grading committee which he did with a successful result, and he can now call himself a doctor.
Xu started his journey towards his doctor degree as an bachelor student at Mittuniversitetet in 2010 and later become a masterstudent. Now he has successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Rotational Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Through Variable Reluctance" and can now call himself a doctor.
Opponent to the thesis was Prof. Carlo Trigona from the University of Catania in Italy. In the grading committee was Dr. Alex Weddell from the University of Southampton in UK, Prof. Mustafa Arafa from the American University in Cairo in Egypt and Prof. Kent Bertilsson from Mid Sweden University.
Prof. Bengt Oelmann and Associate Prof. Sebastian Bader was the supervisor to Ye Xu during his work.
You can watch Ye Xu’s presentation again on our Youtube-channel on the link below and read the doctoral thesis online.