Visit from Université Bretagne Sud, France

Mon 25 Mar 2024 08:56

Thursday the 21st of March STC Research Centre and Mid Sweden University got at visit from Université Bretagne Sud in France.

Fyra personer står och lyssnar på en man som berättar om olika prototyper framtagna i forskningsprojekt.
From the left: Professor Kent Bertilsson and docent Patrik Österberg from Mid Sweden University, Christine Chauvin and Sandra Vessier from Université Bretagne Sud, Rikard Hamrin, research engineer at Mid Sweden University.

During the visit at Mid Sweden University, they got a presentation of the research at STC research centre. They also had a chance to meet Rikard Hamrin, research engineer at STC, who showed some of the prototypes from different research projects.

Their visit aims to discuss areas to collaborate on in the future, both in regard to education and research.

En man visar en prototyp för två kvinnor.


The page was updated 3/25/2024