From Brazil to Finland − Vinicius Possobon Borin will develop AI within ENSURE 6G

Thu 23 Jan 2025 15:53

Vinicius Pozzobon Borin, originally from Brazil, has recently moved to the Northen Europe to proceed with his academic career as a PhD-student in the ENSURE 6G Research Project, focusing on AI-algorithms.

Vinicius Possobon Borin, Oulu Univeristy

Vinicius holds a Bachelor’s degree in electronics and communication from the Federal University of Santa Maria where he got a Master’s degree within Smart Systems and IoT. Throughout his career he always had an strong interest in programming and algorithms, an area he will now explore as a doctoral student.

- After completing my Master’s studies, I pursued a career as a lecturer in computer engineering, communications, and algorithms at a private university in Brazil, where I worked for seven years, Vinicius shares.

From Brazil to Oulu University in Finland 

After several years in Brazil, Vinicius and his family decided to move abroad. Since he also holds Italian citizenship, they began looking for opportunities in Europe.

- Due to the hot weather in Italy, we looked for opportunities in the northern part of Europe. When I discovered a PhD position within the ENSURE 6G project at the University of Oulu in Finland, I knew I had found the right place, tells Vinicius. This position offers an exciting opportunity to work on an AI-focused project in collaboration with both Finnish and Swedish companies.

The ENSURE 6G-project aims to innovate and implement advanced 6G connectivity infrastructure, focusing on enhancing industrial logistics in the rural territories of Sweden, Finland, and Norway. The project endeavors to develop symbiotic functions and digital enablers, such as seamless wireless connectivity and intelligent data fusion techniques, to ensure robust remote monitoring and control of industrial logistics infrastructure, particularly in rail networks.

Aim to optimize the railway with AI 

- In my work, I will use data from different sources to create an AI-model that predicts whether a train will be on time or delayed. To achieve this, I’ll use open data from Finnish railways and integrate it with other datasets, such as historical weather forecasts, data from snow depth sensors and heat sensors. My goal is to develop an AI-algorithm that not only predicts delays but also anticipates maintenance needs, improving safety and quality while saving costs in the long term, Vinicius explains. 

Vinicius will focus on AI-development in the project addresses a wide rage of other research challenges.

- Our research team also investigates semantic communication systems for harsh environments and develops efficient data communication. For instance, since images contain a significant amount of data, we aim to identify the meaningful parts of the image and transmit only the relevant data to optimize efficiency, tells Vinicius. 

Vinicius began his PhD-studies in October and is set to complete his research over the next four years under the supervision of Dr. Nurul Huda Mahmood with support from co-supervisor Dr. Jean De Souza Santana. 

- The research team consists of people from around the world and partner companies from different countries. While this diversity can present challenges, it also enriches the team’s perspectives and approaches. I’m very excited about this role and to contribute to the research field. I have a lot of experience and look forward to the next couple of years, says Vinicius.


The page was updated 1/23/2025