Foric general assembly at Valmet

Tue 10 Nov 2015 12:58

The industrial research school FORIC (Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College) gathered for fall meeting.


On November 5 and 6 the PhD students and their mentors in FORIC gathered for general assembly at Valmet in Sundsvall. All PhD Students presented their research so far and also discussed solutions and difficulties in their different research projects. There were also a guide tour in valmet sight. Lena Lorentzen from Mid Sweden University gave a guest lecture in development from a human perspective.

Read more about FORIC and the research projects

Lena Lorenzen, professor in Industrial Design at Mid Sweden University.

Industrial PhD Carl Moser, Valmet and Olof Björkqvist, coordinator for the research school.

Industrial PhD Magnus Larsson, Skogforsk.

Professor Per Engstrand at Mid Sweden University.


The page was updated 10/14/2016