Air quality in the city
Equipment for measuring particles in urban air is very expensive today which means it is only possible to have a small number of measurement points in a city.
There are technologies for sensors and wireless communications that enable low-cost solutions and thus makes it possible to have a large amount of data points that can give a good image of the city's air quality in real time. The main reason why we do not see such systems in place, there is no good low-cost solution for particulate measurement today. In this pre study, we focus on evaluating a technique for particle measurement that provides a low-cost solution.
The immediate objective of the study is to technically verify a particle sensor that allows for a low-cost solution, which in turn may allow for comprehensive measurement of particles for air quality in urban environments.
The overall long-term objective is to further develop technologies in the area of distributed measurement techniques with a focus on environmental monitoring to increase our ability to attract additional research funding and demonstrate the technology's potential to generate innovations for products and services in environmental monitoring.
The direct objective of the study is to present the characteristics of the new particle sensor and relate its characteristics to the reference instruments in the operation of munipality of Sundsvall. Based on these results, conclusions can be drawn in what way and to what extent the sensor can be used for particle measurement.
Citizens can in a comprehensive way see the air quality in the city. It may also increase the attractiveness of cities and areas with good air quality.
The information can be used by municipalities when planning new city areas that has good air quality and good living conditions for the citizens. It can enhance the municipality's attractiveness over time.
Services can also be created to provide an increased understanding of how different industries contribute to air pollution and thereby increase their awareness of emissions and the environment.
Environmental information can be combined with other services of a similar nature to create a more complete service offering.
Project period