In Nanofiber we want to investigate the possibility of combining two unique processing methods for developing a new type of nanoparticle-based optical fiber with the potential to enable significantly improved optical properties in laser systems.
Laser systems with high optical powers are used to an increasing extent in most industrial- and medical applications. For a certain type of laser, the so-called fiber laser, the growth rate is particularly high - mainly due to better efficiency, compactness, and wide range of applications. In this feasibility study, we want to investigate the possibility of combining two unique processing methods for developing a new type of nanoparticle-based optical fiber with the potential to enable significantly improved optical properties in laser systems.
Arbetet har utförts inom det Strategiska innovationsprogrammet Smartare Elektroniksystem - en gemensam satsning av Vinnova, Formas och Energimyndigheten.
Project period