'Doing' household preparedness: A critical approach to preparedness discourses and practices
This research project examines constructions of household preparedness. From an intersectional perspective, we investigate how class, gender, gender and functionality interact with preparedness discourses and how this in turn affects the meanings of household preparedness and its practices.
Current social security discourses emphasizes the importande of household preparedness as a way to strenghten societal crisis preparedness. The purpose of this research project is to critically examine constructions of household preparedness. This will be done through three different themes: 1) Discourses of household preparedness, where social security discourses are being analyzed, 2) Household preparedness from a citizen perspective, where citizens will be engaged in a citizen science project with the purpose to identify alternative meanings of household preparedness and 3) Narratives of household preparedness, an interview study that emphasizes how constructions of household preparedness intersects with power relations related to for example gender, class and ethnicity. The research project is expected to contribute to theoretical development within the research field of crisis preparedness and social security. At a time when household preparedness has become an important part of societal preparedness, it becomes important to approach this from a critical perspective in order to avoid social inequality being reproduced through crisis preparedness discourses and practices.
Project period