English publications
ROSE publications
Kapanadze, M., Javakhishvili, N., & Dzagania, L. (2023). Investigating the relationship between students' interest in physics and environmental attitudes in Georgia. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(8), em2308.
Naganuma, S. (2023). Attitudinal decline toward school science: a focus group approach with Japanese undergraduate students. International Journal of Science Education, 1-21.
Oliveira GdS, Pellegrini G, Araújo LAL, Bizzo N (2022) Acceptance of evolution by high school students: Is religion the key factor? PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273929.
Westman, A. , Jidesjö, A. & Oskarsson, M. (2022). Science Identity among Swedish secondary students. Paper presented at the IOSTE XX International Symposium 2022, Recife, Brazil, 25th - 29th July
Jidesjö, A., Oskarsson, M. & Westman, A.-K. (2021). An Update of Secondary Student's Interest in Science and Technology in Sweden.. In: : . Paper presented at ESERA 2021 - European Science Education Research Assosiation, Braga, Portugal, [DIGITAL] August 30 to September 3, 2021..
Jidesjö, A., Oskarsson, M. & Westman, A.-K. (2021). ROSES codebook: data entry, cleaning and reporting. Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University
Jidesjö, A., Oskarsson, M. & Westman, A.-K. (2021). Trends in student’s interest in Science and technology: Developments and Results from the Relevance of science education second (ROSES) study. In: : . Paper presented at IOSTE 2020 - International Organization for Science and Technology Education, Daegu, Korea, [DIGITAL] February 1-5, 2021.
Jidesjö, A., Oskarsson, M. & Westman, A.-K. (2020). ROSES handbook: introduction, guidelines and underlying ideas. Sundsvall: Mittuniversitetet
Sjøberg, S. & Schreiner, C (2019). ROSE (The Relevance of Science Education) The development, key findings and impacts of an international low cost comparative project. ROSE Final Report, Part 1. University of Oslo
Schreiner, C. & Sjøberg, S. (2019). ROSE (The Relevance of Science Education) Western youth and science. Final ROSE Report part 2. University of Oslo
Sjøberg, Svein & Schreiner, Camilla (2010). The ROSE project. An overview and key findings.
Jidesjö, Anders; Oscarsson, Magnus; Karlsson, Karl-Göran & Strömdahl, Helge (2009). Science for all or science for some: What Swedish students want to learn about in secondary science and technology and their opinions on science lessons. NorDiNa, 5(2), 213-229.
Oscarsson, Magnus; Jidesjö, Anders; Strömdahl, Helge & Karlsson, Karl-Göran (2009). Science in society or science in school: Swedish secondary school science teachers’ beliefs about science and science lessons in comparison with what their students want to learn. NorDiNa, 5(1), 18-34.
Jidesjö, Anders (2008). Different content orientations in science and technology among primary and secondary boys and girls in Sweden: Implications for the transition from primary to secondary school? NorDiNa, 4(2), 192-208.
Sjøberg, Svein & Schreiner, Camilla (2008). Concerns for the environment. Data from ROSE (The Relevance of Science Education).
Schreiner, Camilla & Sjøberg, Svein. (2007). Science education and youth’s identity construction – two incompatible projects? In D. Corrigan, Dillon, J. & Gunstone, R. (Eds.), The Re-emergence of Values in the Science Curriculum. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
Sjøberg, Svein & Schreiner, Camilla (2007). Perceptions and images of science and science education. M. Claessens (Ed.) Communicating European Research 2005. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schreiner, Camilla. (2006). Exploring a ROSE-garden: Norwegian youth’s orientations towards science – seen as signs of late modern identities. Doctoral thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education and School Development, Oslo. (Short and long abstract. Contact Camilla if you are interested in a printed version, free of charge.)
Sjøberg, Svein & Schreiner, Camilla. (2006). How do learners in different cultures relate to science and technology? Results and perspectives from the project ROSE (the Relevance of Science Education). APFSLT: Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 7(1), Foreword
Schreiner, Camilla & Sjøberg, Svein. (2005). Empowered for action? How do young people relate to environmental challenges? In S. Alsop (Ed.), Beyond Cartesian Dualism. Encountering affect in the teaching and learning of science. Dordrecht: Springer
Schreiner, Camilla & Sjøberg, Svein (2004). Sowing the seeds of ROSE. Background, Rationale, Questionnaire Development and Data Collection for ROSE (The Relevance of Science Education) – a comparative study of students’ views of science and science education (pdf) (Acta Didactica 4/2004). Oslo: Dept. of Teacher Education and School Development, University of Oslo.
ROSE participants’ publication
Azizollah Arbabi Sarjou, Asghar Soltani, Kalbasi Afsaneh & Siruos Mahmoudi (2012). A Study of Iranian Students’ Attitude towards Science and Technology, School Science and Environment, Based on the ROSE Project. Journal of Studies in Education. 2(1), 90-103. DOI: 10.5296/jse.v2i1.1438
Uitto, A., Juuti, K., Lavonen, J., Byman, R. & Meisalo, V. (2011). Secondary school students' interests, attitudes and values concerning school science related environmental issues in Finland. Environmental education research, 17(2), 167–186
Cavas, B., Cavas, P., Tekkaya, C., Cakiroglu, J. & Kesercioglu,T. (2009). Turkish Students’ Views on Environmental Challenges with respect to Gender: An Analysis of ROSE Data. Science Education International 20(1-2) 69-78
Chang, S., Yeung, Y. & Cheng, M. (2009). Ninth Graders’ Learning Interests, Life Experiences
and Attitudes Towards Science & Technology. Journal of Science Education and Technology 18:447-457.
Lavonen, J., Gedrovics, J., Byman, R., Meisalo, V., Juuti, K. & Uitto, A. (2008.) Students’ motivational orientations and career choice in science and technology: A survey in Finland and Latvia. Journal of Baltic Science Education 7(2) 86-103.
Lavonen, J., Byman, R., Uitto, A., Juuti, K., & Meisalo, V. (2008). Students’ Interest and Experiences in Physics and Chemistry related Themes: Reflections based on a ROSE-survey in Finland. Themes in Science and Technology Education 1(1), 7-36
Matthews, Philip. (2007). The Relevance of Science Education in Ireland. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
Anderson, Ishmael Kwesi. (2006). The Relevance of Science Education: As seen by Pupils in Ghanaian Junior Secondary Schools. Doctoral thesis. University of the Western Cape, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
Anderson, Ishmael K.; Sjøberg, Svein & Mikalsen, Øyvind. (2006). What kinds of science and technology do pupils in Ghanaian junior secondary schools want to learn about? Some results and comparisons based on the international ROSE study. In C. Julie & Mikalsen, Ø. (Eds.), Some Developments in Research in Science and Matehematics Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cape Town: University of Western Cape (in press).
Jenkins, E.W. (2006) The Student Voice and School Science Education, Studies in Science Education, 42, 49-88.
Jenkins, E.W. and Pell R.G. (2006) “Me and the Environmental Challenges”: A survey of English secondary school students’ attitudes towards the environment. International Journal of Science Education 28(7), 765-780
Jenkins, E.W. (2006) Student opinion in England about science and technology. Research in Science & Technological Education 24(1), 59–68
Jenkins, E.W. and Pell, R.G. (2006) The Relevance of Science Education Project (ROSE) in England: a summary of findings. Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education, University of Leeds
Kristján Ketill Stefánsson. (2006). ‘I just don’t think it’s me’: A study on the willingness of Icelandic learners to engage in science related issues. Master thesis, University of Oslo, Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education and School Development, Oslo.
Trumper, R. (2006). Factors Affecting Junior High School Students’ Interest in Physics. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(1), 47-58
Trumper, R. (2006). Factors Affecting Junior High School Students’ Interest in Biology. Science Education International, 17(1), 31-48
Uitto, A., Juuti, K., Lavonen, J. & Meisalo, V. (2006). Students' interest in biology and their out-of-school experiences. Journal of Biological Education, 40(3), 124-129.
Jenkins, Edgar W. (2005). Important but not for me: students’ attitudes towards secondary school science in England. Research in Science & Technological Education, 23(1), 41-57.
Lavonen, Jari; Byman, Reijo; Juuti, Kalle; Meisalo, Veijo & Uitto, Anna. (2005). Pupil Interest in Physics: A Survey in Finland. Nordina(2).
Lavonen, Jari; Juuti, Kalle; Uitto, Anna; Meisalo, Veijo & Byman, Reijo. (2005). Attractiveness of Science Education in the Finnish Comprehensive School (pdf). In A. Manninen, Miettinen, K. & Kiviniemi, K. (Eds.), Research Findings on Young People’s Perceptions of Technology and Science Education. Mirror results and good practice. Helsinki: Technology Industries of Finland.
Uitto, Anna; Juuti, Kalle; Lavonen, Jari & Meisalo, Veijo. (2005). Is pupils´ interest in biology related to their out-of-school experiences? Trends in biology education research in the new biology era: a selection of papers presented at the Vth Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), September 21st – 25th 2004, Patras – Greece: 305-316.
Ogawa, Masakata & Shimode, Shoko. (2004). Three distinctive groups among Japanese students in terms of their school science. Preference: from preliminary analysis of Japanese data of an international survey “The Relevance of Science Education” (ROSE) (pdf). Journal of Science Education in Japan, 28(4).
Other languages
Bjar, H., Aschim, E. L., & Aae, R. (2022). Norske jenter og gutter i ungdomsskolen har blitt likere i naturfaginteresse–men mer ulike når det gjelder miljøengasjement. Første resultater fra den norske ROSES-undersøkelsen 2020. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, (2), 116-130.