Read articles from Swedish daily newspapers

Thu 09 Nov 2023 10:16

The library often receives inquiries about the possibility of reading daily newspapers online. As a library, we can't offer e-subscriptions to newspapers. Instead, we offer the opportunity to read the printed version of some newspapers at our two campus libraries and through two of our databases.

Kvinna läser tidning sittandes i en blå soffa på ett bibliotek

Below, we describe what you have access to digitally through the library.

Retriever Research

Retriever Research is a digital news archive for printed newspapers, magazines, and business press. Articles from Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Dagens Industri, and Sydsvenskan become available in the database 24 hours after publication. Retriever Research does not provide access to the so-called "paywalled web" for major newspapers like Dagens Nyheter. Instead, Retriever Research primarily focuses on providing articles from the printed version of newspapers.

Swedish Daily Newspapers

The National Library of Sweden's search service with digitized Swedish daily newspapers. The service contains material from nearly 2000 different newspaper and magazine titles.

All material is freely searchable, and newspapers published in 1900 or earlier are also freely available to read and download. Daily newspapers are made available at the earliest four months after the respective newspaper's publication date. Material published in 1901 and later is copyright protected and can only be read at a special search station at the campus libraries in Sundsvall and Östersund.

Library Databases

Do you need help with searching in any of our databases? Get in touch with us at the library, and we will assist you!


The page was updated 11/9/2023