The University Library is offering enhanced support to students starting this autumn

Thu 31 Aug 2023 12:32

We've spoken with Johanna Wolf-Watz, the supervisor for targeted educational support, to learn more about this.

Johanna Wolf-Watz

Hello Johanna! What can students anticipate from this new enhanced support? 

There will be more study technique and writing assistance. Starting this autumn, there will also be an opportunity to receive help in fundamental mathematics and statistics, both through drop-in sessions and bookable appointments. We will also be offering workshops and lectures on subjects relevant for students. So, please keep an eye on the library's news feed

How can this enhanced support help students achieve academic success? 

Academic writing is a crucial skill throughout the entire period of study, and mathematics is applicable to most subjects, even if it's just in methodology courses. All students have unique conditions and needs, but through various types of activities – including lectures, workshops, and individual guidance – we offer a well-developed and flexible student support system. 

Can this support help to increase students' engagement and interest in their studies? 

I believe engagement increases when studies are progressing well, and the support can contribute to that. In the long run, it increases the likelihood of students successfully completing their studies. However, it's important to remember that we're only offering support. Students must take responsibility for their own learning and have the drive to move forward. When they do, I believe they will feel that we provide them with good opportunities to put some important pieces of the puzzle in place! 

How can teachers help spread information about this support? 

A good approach is to recommend the support at the start of the course or on the course pages on Moodle. We are available in the Academic Resource Center at the library. Welcome! 

The Academic Resource Center


The page was updated 8/31/2023