InfraVis Call to apply for in‑depth visualization support for research projects 2023

Fri 26 May 2023 11:37

Do you have research data that you think can be analyzed and visualized in ways that are beyond your current resources? InfraVis calls for applications for in-depth visualization support for research projects!

En figur som visar papper med obegripliga svarta linjer till vänster, en pil som pekar mot höger i mitten och en färgstark visualisering till höger.

You, as a researcher at a Swedish university, can apply for up to six months of visualization support and receive help from InfraVis with, for example, data curation, visualized material for user studies, visual analysis of experimental data, or interaction techniques, videos and images for research publications.  


Application deadline: 6th June, 2023

For details about requirements, selection criteria and for the application itself, please visit InfraVis Call for applications

Watch this one-minute video to get an overview of previous research projects supported by InfraVis

InfraVis is a national Swedish research infrastructure with a mission to advance Swedish scientific research through visualization support. InfraVis consists of over fifty visualization experts distributed across nine partner universities. Our experts have varied backgrounds and can help researchers visualise research data and material from a broad range of research areas. 


We are looking forward to receiving your applications! 



The page was updated 5/29/2023