Collaboration to include Sami perspectives in school science

Tue 14 Jan 2025 15:35

How can we integrate Sami perspectives into science teaching to increase interest and also give students with Sami backgrounds access to this knowledge? This is the theme of a joint workshop between researchers and representatives of Sami contexts, hosted by Mid Sweden University.

Sex kvinnor sitter runt ett konferensbord och tittar mot en annan kvinna som står upp med ryggen mot kameran.

On 14-15 January, researchers from Mid Sweden University, Umeå University, Linköping University, The Arctic University of Norway, the University of Iceland and Stockholm University, together with teachers active in the Västernorrland Sami Association, will focus on how research and development can contribute to incorporating Sami perspectives into the natural sciences.

Anna-Karin Westman, senior lecturer in subject didactics in the natural sciences at Mid Sweden University, has taken the initiative for the discussions. In several different contexts, she has met international researchers who have focused on the question of how indigenous peoples' knowledge can be included in the natural sciences. In Sweden, the issue has not yet had any major impact and therefore this initiative was taken.

"The goal is to find ways forward for cooperation and collaboration. There are Sami perspectives that are not currently reflected in science education in Sweden. For example, it can be about the seasons, where we talk about four but in a Sami context there are eight. It can also be about sustainable development and natural resources," says Anna-Karin Westman.

In her research, she has investigated the question of how the natural sciences can interest and attract more students. And also from this perspective, Anna-Karin Westman believes that natural science subjects that incorporate Sami knowledge can contribute.

"What we see is that the topics attract and interest more people if you adjust the questions and the content of what you are going to investigate. It is also important to include the Sami perspective for those students with Sami background who do not attend Sami school. You shouldn't have to leave it when you step over the threshold into the classroom," says Anna-Karin Westman.



The page was updated 1/14/2025