Being an exchange student at Mid Sweden University
What is it like to be an exchange student at Mid Sweden University? Here is what some of they say!
Half a year at Mid Sweden University already gone by. And I certainly cannot put that into just one short story. There are too many impressions that are forever connected to that. Whether that was the first flight to Sundsvall, the nerves of arriving at the new apartment without ever having seen it before. Meeting people, that went from strangers, to room mates, to friends, in the shortest span of time. Meeting other internationals from all over Europe and – naturally – a lot of Swedes. Getting to know each other, spending time with each other and forging friendships. Exploring a new city, new surroundings, and a new university with new class mates and – in these times – certainly a new way of studying. For me, this meant an entirely unplanned adventure that may just as well be a new future.
Going abroad is always a challenge. But it is always exciting. Even just the smallest and most trivial things become an adventure again. And it always pays off. I grew a lot. And I learned a lot. About my studies, but perhaps more importantly, about myself. And I guess there may be only one thing that perfectly encapsulates all these feelings and experiences into one. Representatively, that’s why I chose this photo. Cause ultimately, it is the reason which allows me to experience all this: Mid Sweden University.
Thank you for the first semester and here’s to many more!
I will try to keep my best moment of my first semester at MIUN - which is also the story of my life - as short as possible:
I like to remember the beginning of this whole adventure that would change my life. Since I haven't done a semester abroad during my Bachelor I was sure to do one during my Master. I applied with Erasmus and chose three different universities. My first choice was Bergen in Norway, the second one was Östersund and the third one Prague. I only put Bergen as my first choice since I knew someone who went there with Erasmus and absolutely loved it. In the end it didn't work out in Bergen so Östersund was my destiny. I have booked a return ticket so I could be back in Germany for Christmas.
Arriving in Östersund in the end of August 2018 and spending the first month already overwhelmed me a lot. I got closer with everyone and started to get to know the city, the nature, and the surroundings better and better. I already noticed that I started to get a little sad by thinking I'd have to leave this place so soon again... but it has just started. I then decided to extend for another semester which worked out very easily.
I spent Christmas in Germany since I already had the flight back but being away from Östersund for about two weeks made me realize that I have deeply fallen in love with the city - this is the place where I want to live, where I want my kids to grow up and myself to grow old. To keep it short: I have never felt so sure about any decision in my life before and this was the best moment and feeling I've ever had! I think it is fantastic and crazy at the same time how privileged some of us are to just move to another country because we realize that this is where we belong and not the place where we grew up and always felt so comfortable.
I feel great that I never ignored this realization and I'm also proud of me that I have put this big step through that has changed my life in so many ways.
Though I am still the same person, I have grown so quickly during that period and I became much stronger. I can only recommend everyone to dare in their lives - in the end you have it all in your own hands!