Press release: Close to 80 Leading Academics reflect on European Parliament elections in unique collaboration
The Mid Sweden University research centre DEMICOM launches Euroflections to analyze and reflect on the EU elections 23-26 May.
Welcome to Euroflections - Leading Academics on the European elections 2019
The European elections took place on 23-26 May 2019. Now researchers in Europe team up to analyse and reflect on the elections in a new report.
The report gathered 70 contributions from leading academics and will cover the elections and the campaigns. Euroflections is an initiative from the research centre DEMICOM at Mid Sweden University.
Euroflections will be published on the 13th of June 2019 in a free digital report. So, this is where you will find the best analyses and reflections on the European elections.
Here you can find more info about the involved researchers
The Euroflections report has now been published. Over 70 researchers commenting and reflecting on the EP elections.
The Mid Sweden University research centre DEMICOM launches Euroflections to analyze and reflect on the EU elections 23-26 May.
On June 13, the report Euroflections - Leading academics on the European Elections 2019 will be released. With this in mind, the research center Demicom at Mid Sweden University in collaboration with Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), organizes a seminar on the European Parliament election.
Euroflections and the DEMICOM researcher Kajsa Falasca is covered in an article published at The European Science-Media Hub. Focus is on research connected to the upcoming election in the article "Online disinformation during elections : researchers in Europe team up to monitor and analyse the situation".
Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies at the research centre DEMICOM at Mid Sweden University and at University of Gothenburg. Marie researches the parties' strategic communication...
PhD in Media and Communication Studies and Assistant Professor at DEMICOM, Centre for Study of Democracy and Communication. Kajsa is researching strategic political communication in the modern medi...
Associate Professor (docent) in political science. His research focuses on elections, political parties and political behaviour with a specific interest in populist radical right parties, green...
The contribution will focus on France. The French case is particularly relevant for testing the relevance over time of the second order elections' model, the challenges to representative democracy...
As for now, the campaign is low key. It seems as if the parties don't invest much in their campaign which is a mystery to me. Because, against the background of the polls that predict a good...
My contribution will focus on how political parties adapt their policies to what they perceive is the policy demand among their targeted voters and other parties they want to collaborate with. One...
My contribution will focus on the results of populist parties, probably declaring the end of left-wing populism and arguing that we should focus more on the far right, or at least populist radical...
The page was updated 12/9/2021