Emotions in wildlife management
In a group of psychologists and biologists we are putting emotion and environment psychology in the focus of wildlife management.
Our research is focused mostly on negative emotions in human – carnivore conflicts and how that can be attenuated by different, psychology influenced, wildlife management strategies to increase human wellbeing.
This research is supported by the Swedish environmental protection agency, Norwegian Environment Agency, and The Swedish research council Formas.
The group is composed of Maria Johansson, Environmental psychology, Lund University; Jens Frank (previously Karlsson), Wildlife Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Anders Flykt, Emotion psychology, Mid Sweden University (contact person); Ole-Gunnar StØen, Ecology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
In the framework for this research group different constellations exists and different projects are running in parallel. For example Johansson, Frank and Flykt currently have a collaboration with Terry Hartig at Uppsala University on a project supported by the Swedish research council Formas until 2018.