Climate framework for Swedish universities
Mid Sweden University is one of 36 higher education institutions that signed a joint Climate Framework.
Based on this, the affiliated higher education institutions will develop specific climate strategies with the aim of contributing to both national and international commitments to achieve the 1.5-degree goal by 2030.
The higher education institutions have a central role in climate change by contributing with education, research and collaboration, but also need to contribute by reducing the impact from their own activities.
By joining the common climate framework, we see the climate as a crucial and prioritized issue for the future, and have committed ourselves to the following:
- We will continue to contribute to society being able to achieve set goals through education, research and collaboration.
- We must reduce our own climate impact in line with society's commitments as they are expressed in national and international agreements.
- We must set far-reaching goals for climate work and also set aside resources so that we
- can achieve these goals and make follow-ups.
- We must clearly communicate our climate work to inspire and spread knowledge to
- other actors and to citizens.
The initiative for the climate framework comes from KTH and Chalmers and has been developed in collaboration between Swedish higher education institutions. The ambition is that together we will clearly contribute to climate change in line with society's national and international commitments.