On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag 2010. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 17 English pages and 17 Swedish pages that are tagged with 2010. The content may vary depending on language.

Konkurrenslyftet Begins | 2010 |

“Shadow a Student” was one of many highly appreciated activities during the Konkurrenslyftet project, which was intended to encourage more upper secondary school students to continue their studies ...

Fyrklövern is formed | 2010 |

Who said research results are just reports that end up on a shelf, collecting dust? Here at Mid Sweden University this is not the case, anyway. Thanks to activities such as those of Fyrklövern, our...

Fyrklövern is formed | 2010 |

Who said research results are just reports that end up on a shelf, collecting dust? Here at Mid Sweden University this is not the case, anyway. Thanks to activities such as those of Fyrklövern, our...

Stomach Illness at Campus Östersund | 2010 |

But what is happening? One by one, the people at Campus Östersund fall victim to a stomach illness. And soon it turns out that the whole town has been infected. Cryptosporidium has invaded Östersund.

Stomach Illness at Campus Östersund | 2010 |

But what is happening? One by one, the people at Campus Östersund fall victim to a stomach illness. And soon it turns out that the whole town has been infected. Cryptosporidium has invaded Östersund.

The Risk and Crisis Research Centre Opens | 2010 |

“Bringing excellence together” is the motto of Mid Sweden University’s Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR). At the opening in 2010, national and international contacts in the field were invited –...

The Risk and Crisis Research Centre Opens | 2010 |

“Bringing excellence together” is the motto of Mid Sweden University’s Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR). At the opening in 2010, national and international contacts in the field were invited –...

Miun Almuni is Started | 2010 |

Mid Sweden University has much to gain from maintaining a good contact with its former students. That is why Miun Almuni was started a couple of years ago. It is a social and professional network f...

Anders Södergren on Skiing and Studies | 2010 |

At Campus Östersund, we are spoilt when it comes to seeing the world elite of cross-country skiing. They study for exams, have a coffee, go roller skating, study some more… It is all work and no...

The page was updated 2/18/2019