Bo Hilleberg Awarded One of Five New Honorary Degrees | 2014 |
Mid Sweden University’s activities to create a profile for itself in outdoor recreation have been successful. Over the years, we have collaborated with the strongest outdoor industry trademarks in the region.
One of them is Hilleberg the Tentmaker – whose founder Bo Hilleberg was awarded one of the new honorary degrees at the Annual Celebration in 2014.
– We have been collaborating with Mid Sweden University for some years now and their work has always been valuable to us at Hilleberg. The same can be said for companies like Woolpower, Klättermusen och Lundhags. There are many small companies with strong trademarks in our region and we have to compete with large international companies. For us to be able to cooperate like this, thanks to Mid Sweden University’s efforts, means a lot, both to our companies and to the county, says Bo Hilleberg.
Bo Hilleberg was awarded the honorary degree for his knowledge in the field of outdoor recreation and for having delivered high-quality products for 40 years.
The other honorary degrees that year were awarded Howard Aldrich, Vishanthie Sewpaul, Anette Norberg and Anders Nyqvist.